
408人已阅读 2017-10-28 13:55:38
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2017-10-28 13:55:38






假如标题中呈现了“statistical,statistics, cost, fund, large number, percent, percentage”等的时分,文章中相对应的语句会呈现相对应的与数据相关的词。下面看几个比如:


剑5 TEST 1 Passage 1 Q1 多项挑选选项C. It was famous because of the large number ofpeople involved. 标题中呈现了数据词“large number”, 依据这个词在文章中找与标题意思有关的语句,并且其中有可能包含数据。在文章中第5段找到这么一句话:“He was also helped by six assistants, two ofwhom died whilst the Dictionary was still in preparation.”依据两句话的意思,“6个助手”不算一个比较大(large number)的数据,所以这个选项是不对的。


剑5 TEST 1 Passage 2 Q17 “the expected statisticaloutcome”, 是一个“阶段细节”题,让考生找这句话在文章中哪一段呈现。标题有一个十分显着的数据词“statistical”, 依据猜想,文章中相对应的语句可能会呈现数据。文章中D段:“Prior to carrying out the experiment, Milgramexplained his idea to a group of 39 psychiatrists and asked them to predict theaverage percentage of people in an ordinary population who would be willing toadminister the highest shock level of 450 volts. ...... The psychiatrists feltthat 'most subjects would not go beyond 150 volts' and they further anticipatedthat only four per cent would go up to 300 volts. Furthermore, theythought that only a lunatic fringe of about one in 1,000 would give thehighest shock of 450 volts.”。文章中的数据“only four per cent”和“one in 1,000”对应了标题中的“statistical”, 一起,文章中的“predict the average percentage of people”与标题中的“expected statistical outcome”相对应,所以这道题对应的语句应当是这段话。


剑7 TEST 2 Passage 2 Q14 “a cost involved inpurifying domestic water”, 这道题同样是一道“阶段细节”题,让考生找出这句话在文章中哪一段呈现。标题中的数据词是“cost”, 文章中应当会呈现一些与“钱和数据”有关的词,在文章中能够十分显着地看到E段有许多数据:“The costs included: £120m for removal ofpesticides; £16m for removal of nitrates; £55m for removal ofphosphates and soil; £23m for the removal of the bug cryptosporidiumfrom drinking water by water companies.”而判别的时分发现文章中的“drinking water(饮用水)”与标题中的“domestic water(家庭用水)”相对应,所以此题对应的即是文章的E段。


假如标题中呈现了与“开端(previous, original, originally, initial,initially, beginning, before, at first...)”、“最终(at last, later, end, finally, ultimately,eventually...)”和“如今(now, these days, current, currently, our time, with us...)”有关的词,由于标题和文章内容的一致性,所以文章中也会呈现相对应的词。


剑5 TEST 2 Passage 3 Q28 “In Europe, modem scienceemerged at the same time as the nation state. At first, the scientificlanguage of choice remained __________.”标题中有一个时刻词“at first(开端)”,到文章中找与前面相关的时刻词,在文章第5段有这么一句话:“There were several reasons why originalscience continued to be written in Latin.” 明晰地呈现了时刻词“original”, 依据这句话意思,标题应当填“Latin”。


剑9 TEST 3 Passage 3 Q32 “a reference to whatShannon initially intended to achieve in his research”, 是一道“阶段细节”题,是全部雅思考题中最难的标题。依据定位词“Shannon”和时刻词“initially”, 在文章C段榜首句(This all seems light years away from thedown-to-earth uses Shannon originally had for his work, which began when he wasa 22-year-old graduate engineering student at the prestigious MassachusettsInstitute of Technology in 1939.)里看到了定位词“Shannon”和时刻词“originally”, 再仔细读语句的意思,两句话的意思对应得很严密。所以此题应当挑选C段。


剑9 TEST 1 Passage 1 Q10 “What was the name finallyused to refer to the first colour Perkin invented?”, 标题中的时刻词是“finally”, 而文章第8段中相对应语句是“Perkin originally named his dye Tyrian Purple,but it later became commonly known as mauve (from the French for theplant used to make the colour violet)”,标题中“finally”的时刻对应词是“later”。



1)并排联络词:and, as well as, first...second..., either...or..., neither...nor...


剑九 TEST 1 Passage 1 Q4 “Perkin was still young whenhe made the discovery that made him rich and famous.”, 标题中呈现了并排联络“rich and famous”, 依据定位词“Perkin、young、discovery”, 在文章中找到的对应语句是第3段中的:“Perkin's scientific gifts soon caught Hofmann'sattention and, within two years, he became Hofmann's youngest assistant. Notlong after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him bothfame and fortune.”, 文章中呈现了并排联络:“fame and fortune”, 依据同义更换联络,“fame”对应“famous”、“fortune”对应“rich”。这是一道判别题,所以这道题应当挑选“TRUE”。


剑7 TEST 4 Passage 1 Q13 “In addition, over two thousandyears ago kites were used in China as weapons, as well as for sending 13”, 标题中的并排联络是“as well as”, 这个短语的意思相当于“and”, 所以依据次序准则,在文章中第8段最终一句话中找到了并排联络“and”, 文章的原句是:“other ancient civilisations certainly knew aboutkites; as early as 1250 BC, the Chinese were using them to deliver messagesand dump flaming debris on their foes.”,标题中的时刻词“over two thousand years ago”也和文章中的“early as 1250 BC(早在公元前1250年)”形成了很好的时刻对应联络,别的即是动词的同义更换:标题中的“sending”和文章中的“deliver(投递)”相对应。所以第13题应当填“messages”。


剑5 TEST 2 Passage 3 Q30&31 “In Britain,moreover, scientists worried that English had neither the 30 northe 31 to express their ideas.” 标题中呈现了一组否定并排联络词“neither...nor...”, 所以文章中也会呈现相似的并排联络,经过填空题的次序准则和标题中的定位词“In Britain”, 在文章第7段找到了否定并排联络句:“English was not well equipped to deal withscientific argument. First, it lacked the necessary technicalvocabulary. Second, it lacked the grammatical resources required torepresent the world in an objective and impersonal way, ...”, 文章中的并排联络是“first..., second...”, 而表明否定意思的词“lack(缺少)”恰好与标题中的“neither...nor...”对应。

2)因果联络词:because, because of, since, as, for, due to, account for, reasoning,explain, attribute to


剑7 TEST 1 Passage 1 Q11 “Radar is an inaccurateterm when referring to bats because         are not used in their navigation system.”, 标题中呈现了“因果”联络词“because”, 文章中也会呈现相应的“因果”联络。依据填空题的次序准则,在文章最终一段话发现了相应的因果联络句“It is technically incorrect to talk about bat'radar', since they do not use radio waves.”, 经过仔细读文章中语句的意思,会发现十分显着的意思对应联络,并且呈现了因果联络词“since”, 所以第11个空填“radio waves”。


剑7 TEST 1 Passage 2 Q22 判别题:“Feeding increasing populations is possible dueprimarily to improved irrigation systems.” 标题本身的因果联络在文章中的对应联络是第二段的语句:“Food production has kept pace with soaringpopulations mainly because of the expansion of artificial irrigationsystems that make possible the growth of 40% of the world's food.”。标题中的“due...to...”与文章中的“because of”相对应,在意思上也有十分严密的联络,所以这道题挑选“YES”。


可是、但是类:but, however, nevertheless(nonetheless), whereas,yet;

虽然、虽然类:although, even though, even if, despite, in spiteof, while;

相反类:conversely, by(in) contrast, on the contrary, onthe other hand


剑5 TEST 2 Passage 3 Q33&34 “AlthoughEnglish was then overtaken by 33, it developed again in the 19th centuryas a direct result of the 34”, 标题中有显着的转机联络“although”, 所以依据次序准则和定位词“19th century”, 找到文章最终一段话:“It (German) is estimated that by the end of the18th century 401 German scientific journals had been established as opposed to96 in France and 50 in England. However, in the 19th century scientificEnglish again enjoyed substantial lexical growth as the industrial revolutioncreated the need for new technical vocabulary,...”, 标题中“although”后面“33题”地点语句的内容恰好和文章中“however”之前的有些相对应;而“34题”地点语句与文章中“however”以后的有些相对应,依据意思的对应联络,33题应当填“German”,34题应当填“industrial revolution”。





剑7 TEST 3 Passage 2 E段榜首句话:“How far does other research support theseconclusions?”, 依据这句话,咱们能够猜想到:这段话下面的内容肯定是讲“别的研讨是如何来支撑这些结论的”,所以榜首句即是这段话的“基地句”,它与“List of Heading”中的“vi: Further genetic evidence relating to thethree-wave theory”意思相对应,所以这段话的段意是“vi”。


剑7 TEST 1 Passage 2 G段榜首句话:“What explains this remarkable turn of events?”, 依据这句话,咱们能够猜想到下面的内容肯定是对“his remarkable turn of events”的解说,对照文章后发现,从第二句话开端讲:“Two factors: people have figured out how to usewater more efficiently, ...”, 这很显着是对榜首句的延伸,所以榜首句话是这段话的基地句,它所对应的Heading是:“ii: An explanation for reduced water use”。


剑7 TEST 3 Passage 2 A段首二句:“Study of the origins and distribution of humanpopulations used to be based on archaeological and fossil evidence. A number oftechniques developed since the 1950s, however, have placed the study ofthese subjects on a sounder and more objective footing.”, 这段第二句呈现了转机句,阐明是这段话的基地句,和“Heading”中的“iv: Developments in the methods used to studyearly population movements”完全对应,并且标题和文章之间呈现了同义更换:“Heading”中的“developments”和“methods”别离对应文章中的“developed”和“techniques”。


剑9 TEST 1 Passage 2 C段榜首句话:“Even when we make these assumptions, ourunderstanding of other life forms is still severely limited.” 依据这句话咱们能够猜到:上一段话肯定是作了许多假定(assumptions), 而这一段讲:即便咱们做出这些假定,咱们关于别的生命方式的理解依然受到了约束。所以依据这句话,咱们能够找到上一段话的“Heading”是:“iv: Assumptions underlying the search forextra-terrestrial intelligence”。


剑7 TEST 1 Passage 2 D段榜首句话:“The consequences of our water policies extend beyondjeopardising human health.(咱们水方针的影响超出了损害人类健康的层面)”,经过这一句话,咱们能够猜出两方面的信息:一、上一段话讲的是咱们的水方针对人类健康的损害;二、本段会讲咱们水方针的影响除了损害人类健康还损害到了什么。依据这个猜想,所以上一段的“Heading”应当是:“v: The relevance to health”。


这些词汇有:particularly, in particular, essentially, inessential, specifically, obviously, clearly, fortunately, unexpectedly,specially, in fact, turn out, ...



剑9 TEST 3 Passage 3 B段有一句话:“While at Bell Laboratories, Shannon developedinformation theory, but shunned the resulting acclaim.”,文章中“but”以后的内容提到:“Shannon避开了应得的称誉”。文章后第29题:“a reference to Shannon's attitude to fame”考到了这句话的信息。


剑5 TEST 1 Passage 2 A段有一句话:“Specifically, Milgram told each volunteer'teacher-subject' that the experiment was in the noble cause of education, andwas designed to test whether or not punishing pupils for their mistakes wouldhave a positive effect on the pupils' ability to learn.”, 这句话放在了强调性词“Specifically”以后,文章后第15题“the explanation Milgram gave theteacher-subjects for the experiment”考察的即是这句话的信息。





剑5 TEST 1 Passage 1 C段有一句话:“It is highly appropriate that Dr Samuel Johnson,the very model of an eighteenth-century literary man, as famous in hisown time as in ours, should have published his Dictionary at the verybeginning of the heyday of the middle class.”呈现了“as...as...”构造,表明Samuel Johnson在他的年代和在咱们的年代相同知名,文章第9题“Johnson has become more well known since hisdeath.”对这句话作了考察,所以第9题应当挑选“FALSE”。


剑7 TEST 1 Passage 2 A段有一句话:“At the height of the Roman Empire, nine major systems,with an innovative layout of pipes and well-built sewers, supplied theoccupants of Rome with as much water per person as is provided inmany parts of the industrial world today.”, 这句提到两个期间用的水是相同多的,考题21“Water use per person is higher in theindustrial world than it was in Ancient Rome.”讲到“工业社会每个人的用水量要比古罗马期间每个人的用水量要高”,所以这个题也挑选“FALSE”。


剑9 TEST 3 Passage 1 A段有一句话:“Arguments can start as easily over minorpoints of usage as over major policies of linguistic education.”, 这句话的内容是“两种争辩都能够轻易地发作,他们发作的难易程度是相同的”。文章后考题2讲到:“People feel more strongly about languageeducation than about small differences in language usage.(人们关于言语教育要比关于小的言语用法的感知程度更强烈)”,所以这道题也挑选“FALSE”。


上一篇: 【朗阁教育】雅思写作中的词汇搭配常见的问题有哪 下一篇: 【朗阁教育】托福口语题之校园场景知识大科普!






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