在雅思阅览考试中,判别题的呈现频率非常高,深受考官宠爱。但判别题却令我国小烤鸭“爱恨交加”,由于“好蒙欠好做”,尤其是FALSE与NOT GIVEN各种傻傻分不明白,耗时耗力。所以究竟怎样拿到判别题高分,仍是来听听朗阁海外考试研讨中心的专家怎样支招吧。
考点词即是一道判别题的“题眼”,也即是需求咱们判别和求证的本地。咱们做欠好判别题即是由于“自个找的考点”≠“考官的考点”,考点对不上,标题怎样也许做得对,就像拿着一张去巴黎的船票,上了去纽约的船,怎样也许看得到卢浮宫?而只要找对了考点词,咱们才干有效区分原文与题干是“agree”或许是“contradict”, 仍是“no information”。
常考的词有:only, most, all, always, both… and…, 榜首流(largest)
例题1:Allaircraftin Class E aiarspace must use IFR. (C8T1P2)
例题2:Trees form whichquinine is derived grow only in South America. (C9T1P1)
例题3:The largest employmentfigures in the world are found in the travel and tourism industry. (C10T3P1)
例题4:Mostpeople have the potential to be creative. (C10T1P3)
例题5:The wear and tear theory applies to both artificalobjects and biological systems. (C8T3P3)
2. 程度规模的词多是形容词或许副词,简称”程度词”
程度词常考的有:first, initial, immediately, instant, quickly, enoug, little
例题6: Powercompanies have given Diel enough money todevelop his laser. (C8T3P1)
例题7:The boundaries ofLeyden have change little since the seventeenth century. (C9T4P3)
例题8:Michael Faraday wasthe first person to recognize Perkin’s ability as a student ofchemistry. (C9T1P1)
例题9:Many experts believeCalifornia has made little progress in readying itself tofight fires. (C10T4P1)
3. 因果联系考点
a. 因素的信号词:because, since, for, in that, thanks to, due to, owing to, beattributed to, result from
b. 结果的信号词:as a result, so/such that, therefore, hence, thus, accordingly,consequently, result in, lead to, contribute to
例题10: The FAA was created as a result of theintroduction of the jet engine. (C8T1P2)
例题11:Marie was able to attend the Sorbonne because of hersister’s financial contribution. (C9T4P1)
例题12:Tourism has a socialimpact because it promotes recreation. (C10T3P1)
4. 比照联系考点
前者比照“不同点”,例如more/less…than…等,后者比照“相同点”,例如as…as…, the same as等
例题13: The skills of ordinary individuals are inessence the same asthe skills of prodigies. (C8T3P2)
例题14:Products have now been developed which can convey moreinformation than Shannon had anticipated as possible. (C9T3P3)
例题15::Visitor spending is always greater than thespending of residents in tourist areas. (C10T1P3)
5. 数字,时刻联系考点
例题16:By the end of this decade, CO2 emissions fromtransport are predicted to reach 739 billion tonnes. (C10T1P2)
例题17: Tourism contributes over six per cent of the Australian gross national product. (C10T3P1)
例题18:The Gothenburg European Council was set up 30 years ago. (C10T1P1)
6. 谓语or表语(当没有上面五类考点词时分,就抓语句的谓语或许表语构造)
例题19:Perkin was inspired by the discoveries of the famousscientist Louis Pasteur. (C9T1P1)
例题20:Le Gentil managedto observe a second Venus transit. (C9T2P2)
例题21:Fear of publicspeaking is a pyscholocial illness.(C9T2P3)
留意题干呈现方式主语It is adj…方式主语的时分,其间“adj.”是考点
例题22:It is difficult to determine where an animallived when its fossilised remians are incomplete. (C9T1P3)
例题23:It is easier for smaller companies to beinnovative. (C10T1P3)
例题24:It is easy to show statistcally how tourismaffects individual economies. (C10T3P1)
例题25:It is likely that the red pigments help toprotect the leaf from freezing temperatures. (C10T3P2)
YES/TRUE判别规范:if thestatement agreeswith the information/the claims of the writer 即:原文与题干考点意义一起。(见图①)
NO/FALSE判别规范:if thestatement contradictsthe claims of the writer/the information 即:原文与题干考点意义对立。(见图②)
NOT GIVEN判别规范:if it isimpossible to say that the writer thinks about this/if there is no information即:原文与题干考点一起或许对立无法判别(见图③)
依据上面界说,对立咱们把YES/NO/NOT GIVEN直接当作“对”“错”“没给”。
我国人 |
对 |
错 |
英国人 |
从上图咱们看出,我国人在原文与题干一起时,选“对”;原文与题干不一起时选“错”;可是英国人,原文题干一起时,选TRUE;原文与题干不一起时,选非TURE,其间*含着“FALSE”“NOT GIVEN”两种也许性。这会形成我国学生在做英国人出的判别题时,FALSE与NOT GIVEN傻傻分不明白的因素是,往往把英国人的“FALSE”,翻译成“错”,本来应当还触及“NOTGIVEN”。所以,当咱们发现原文和题干不一起时,不要立马选错,还需求进一步评论这种不一起,是对立的吗(FALSE)?仍是证据不足,无法判别(NOTGIVEN)?
那么理明白判别依据,详细怎样去操作?心理学研讨表明,大脑很难给一个陈述句做出“对”或许“错”的判别,所以咱们要把这个陈述句成为用yes or no来答复的一般疑问句,再做判别就简单了。就相当于,假如一个人跟你表白说“我爱你”让你判别对错,你很难知道判别规范,但假如成为问句 “你爱我吗?”,你就比照简单依据实际情况给对方一个“爱”或许“不爱”的答案了。
在题干刚刚断定的“六大考点词”前加两个字“是不是”,把题干成为一个富含“是不是“的疑问句,回原文找答案。假如答案为“是”,选YES,假如答案为“不是”,选NO,假如“无法判别”,选NOT GIVEN。这么经过“是不是”两个字来帮咱们强化判别题的题干考点,不至于考生自个找错了题干的判别方向,在不是考点的位置钻牛角尖。
TRUE,FALSE, NOT GIVEN出题准则,即出题特色如下:
TRUE1(简称T1): |
原文题干平行改写 |
难度系数:低 |
TRUE2(简称T2) |
原文题干概括改写 |
难度系数:高 |
FALSE1(简称F1) |
原文与题干考点存在反义词 |
难度系数:低 |
FASLE2(简称F2) |
原文与题干考点存在联系或现实批驳 |
难度系数:高 |
标题中定位信息(多为详细名词)原文中没有提及 |
难度系数:低 |
原文呈现了定位词,但没有题干的考点词(如谓语,比照联系) |
难度系数:高 |
例题1 |
Maries took over the teaching position her husband had held. (C9T4P1) |
原文 |
On May 13,1906,she was appointed to the professorship that had been left vacant on her husband’s death. |
拆解 |
榜首步:抓考点——谓语 第二步:加是不是——Marie是不是接受了她老公从前持有的教育岗位? 第三步:会原文判别——是 ① appoint=take over ② professorship=teaching position ③ left vacant on her husband’s death= her husband had held 题干和原文的主谓宾都进行了平行的改写近义词或许短语的更换。 |
Tips |
当原文出题语句在句法上很高档,但单词表达却在能力规模以内,能够挑选比照原文和提干之间的近义词对数,假如大于或许等于2对以上(相同词性意群算一对),比方:上题中有三对,答案能够判对。 |
例题2 |
The ease (with which truly great ideas are accepted and taken for granted) fails to lessen their significance. (C8T3P2) |
原文 |
by the fact the hard-won discoveries of scientists like Kepler or Einsterin become the commonplace knowledge of school children and the once outrageous shapes and colours of artists like Paul Klee so soon appear on the fabrics we were.This does not minimise the supremacy of their achievements, which out… |
拆解 |
榜首步:抓考点——谓语 第二步:加是不是—— 这儿存在一个疑问,当题干中富含从句时,是找主句的考点,仍是从句的考点? 判别题的题干一般都是主谓宾(简称SVO)类型的简略句,但假如有从句的话,那么只要宾语从句和表语从句需求重视从句内部的内容,其他一般都是看骨干。所以ease后边跟的是定语从句咱们能够不看,默认它没有疑问,要点抓骨干,所以这个是不是的问句即是:这种简单是不是下降了他们的重要性?这么处理能帮咱们节约许多时刻。 第三步:回原文判别——不是,没有下降霸权位置。 |
Tips |
遇到题干富含从句的,除了宾语从句和表语从句以外,其他要点看骨干语句的考点。 |
例题3 |
The number of steps above the water level in a stepwell altered duirng the couse of a year. (C10T1P1) |
原文 |
When the water level was high, the user needed only to descend a few steps to reach it; when it was low, several levels would have to be negotiated. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——谓语 第二步:加是不是——steps的数量在一年中是不是alter改动? 第三步:回原文判别——是。原文说,水平面高的时分,需求…;水平面低的时分,需求…;题干概括为一年中steps需求改动(alter)。此题较难,需求考生完全读懂原文细节表达内容,才干看懂题干概括出的意义。 |
Tips |
此类题咱们简称:“文细题粗式”改写,文章是个有画面感的细节描绘,题干内容概括概括进行改写,需求考生充沛了解文章细节。此类改写比平行改写难度要大。 相似例题: 题干:Alien civilizations may be able to help human race to overcome serious problem. (C9T1P2) 原文:It is even possible that the older civilisation may pass on the benefits of their experience in dealing with threats to survival such as nuclear war and global pollution, and other threats that we haven’t yet discovered. 原文细节描绘:deal with nuclear war and global pollution 题干概括概括:overcome serious problem. |
例题4 |
It is likely that the red pgments help to protect the leaf from freezing temperatures. (C10T3P1) |
原文 |
Some theories about anthocyanins have argued that they might act as a chemical defence against attacks by inects or fungi, or that they might attract fruit-eating birds or increase a leaf’s tolerance to freezing. However there are problems with each these theories. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——表语likely 第二步:变是不是——red pgments维护leaf免于freezing temperatures是不是是也许的?(题干it’s adj that+,it是方式主语,真实的主语是that后边的语句,翻译的时分要先翻译that后边的从句,然后是不是要加在adj前。) 第三步:回原文判别——不是。此题有必定难度,假如只看榜首句话,许多人会误选TRUE。但第二句话笔锋一转,指出这些理论都有疑问,所以选FALSE。 |
Tips |
判别题虽说是细节题,但有时分需求概括相邻两个语句或许同一天然段中上下文信息才干做出,考生做题不要只重视眼前定位词的语句,还要留意语句与语句内部的逻辑联系,才干拿下高分。 |
例题5 |
AIR Trafic Control started after the Grand Canyon crash in 1956. (C8T1P2) |
原文 |
Rudimentary air traffic control (ATC) existed well before the Grand Canyon disaster. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——谓语 第二步:加是不是,变问句——AIR Trafic Control是不是开端在1956年Grand Canyon坠毁以后? 第三步:回原文判别——“不是”,before是之前,选FALSE。beore和after是反义词。 |
Tips |
相似例题剖析 题干:So far SETI scientis have picked up radio signals from several stars. (C9T1P2) 原文:Until now there have not been any detections from the few hundred stars which have been searched.(have 与 have not 是反义构造)。 |
例题6 |
Pikington’s first full-scale plant was an instant commercial success. (C8T2P1) |
原文 |
Pilkington built a pilot plant in 1953 and by 1955 he had convinced his company to build a full-scale plant. However, it took 14 months of non-stop production,…….,before the plant produced any usable glass. Furthermore, …They finally succeeded in 1959 and there are now float plants all over the world… |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——程度规模词 第二步:加是不是——Pikington’s first full-scale plant是不是马上(instant)获得商业成功? 第三步:回原文判别——不是,however, 后边的语句说又花了14个月,终究1959才成功,不是马上成功(instant)。 |
Tips |
快不快:instantly, immediately, promptly 够不够:enough, considerable, sufficient 早不早:first, initial, original 考官常常在这些表明程度频率的形容词或许副词埋下考点。 |
例题7 |
Power companies have given Diel enough money to develop his laser. (C8T3P1) |
原文 |
Bernstein says that Diels’s system is attracting lots of interest from the power companies. But they have not yet come up with the $5 million that EPRI says will be needed to develop a commercial system. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——程度规模的词 第二步:加是不是——Power companies是不是给Diel足够的钱? 第三步:回原文判别——不是,榜首句话说Diel需求从Power companie吸引钱,可紧接着下一句话呈现了转机词But, 说Diel没有筹够钱。 |
Tips |
定位词所在语句邻近呈现but, yet, however, …等转机词时,答案常常会集在这些语句里,不要粗心。 |
例题8 |
Many experts believe California has made little progress in readying itself to fight fires. (C10T4P1) |
原文 |
That said, many experts give California high marks for making progress on preparedness in recent years. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——程度词little 第二步:变是不是——专家是不是以为California在对抗大火中几乎没有(little)进步 第三步:回原文判别——不是。专家给California高分(high marks)。High marks与little构成批驳。 |
Tips |
考试中常常呈现little, few这些着重少的否定词,咱们直接把litte, few ≈ no来处理(几乎没有),当成否定联系。 |
例题9 |
The FAA was created as a result of the introduction of the jet engine. (C8T1P2) |
原文 |
An accident that occurred in the skies over the Grand Canyon in 1956 resulted in the establishment of FAA. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——因果联系 第二步:加是不是,变问句——FAA的树立是不是由于jet engine的引进? 第三步:回原文判别——不是,是由于an accident一场事端致使FAA树立,因素错了,选FALSE。 许多人会错选NOT GIVEN, 以为题干的jet engine在原文中没有提,这就抓错了考点,考点不是jet engine, 而是FAA树立的因素,因素文章有告知,就不也许选NOT GIVEN。 |
Tips |
因果联系具有排他性,文章告知因素是A, 题干说因素是B, 即是FALSE。 |
例题10 |
Marie Curie’s was joint winner of both Marie’s Nobel Prizes. (C9T4P1) |
原文 |
With her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, she was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics, and was then sole winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——表语(joint)+程度规模(both) 第二步:加是不是——Marie Curie的老公是不是是两个Marie’s Nobel Prizes的一起参与者? 第三步:回原文判别——不是,1903年Marie Curie老公和她一起获奖了,但1911年只要Marie Curie获奖了(sole winner)。 |
Tips |
Both A and B在考试中常呈现(C8, C9, C10都有呈现),需求留意both and对AB两者的限定效果。 C8T3P3 The wear and tear theory applies to both artifical objects and biological systems. C8T4P3 a single collection of ants can generally be used for both taxonomic and ecological. C9T3P1 Both desciptivists and prescriptivists have been misreprented. C10T2P1 tea and beer both helped to prevent dysentery in Brtain. |
例题11 |
People feel more strongly about language education than about small differences in language usage. (C9T3P1) |
原文 |
Arguments can start as easily over minor points of usage as over major policies of liguistic education. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——比照联系 第二步:加是不是——咱们是不是对language education感受更激烈,跟small differences in lauguage usage对比? 第三步:回原文判别——不是,两者导致的arguments是相同简单的(as easily as…)。其间,language education与liguistic education是更换,small differences in lauguage usage与minor points of usage是更换。 |
Tips |
留意:比照联系除了more…than, 还有同级比照as…as…, the same as…也需求留意 |
例题12 |
New species of ants are frequently identified by taxonomists. (C8T4P3) |
原文 |
For taxonomy, or classification,long series,from a single nest,which contain all castes are desirable,to allow the determination of variation within species. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点:程度规模词 第二步:加是不是,new species是不是常常被taxonomists发现? 第三步:回原文判别——不知道,new species都没提,何谈是不是常常被taxonomists发现。 |
Tips |
NOT GIVEN详细名词没有呈现,一般都是主语或许宾语信息没有呈现,难度不大。 |
例题13 |
Perkin was inspired by the discoveries of the famous scientist Louis Pasteur. (C9T1P1) |
原文 |
And proving the truth of the famous scientist Louis Pasteur’s words ‘chance favours only the prepared mind’, Perkin saw the potential of his unexpected find. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——谓语 第二步:加是不是——Perkin是不是受Louis Pasteur发现的鼓动? 第三步:回原文判别——不知道。原文只说了prove证明了Louis Pasteur的观念,与inspire鼓动不是一件事,无法判别 |
Tips |
定位信息(一般是主语或许宾语)都在,可是谓语考点(inspire)不存在,考官常常在NOT GIVEN设置这么考点利诱考生,难度较大。 |
例题14 |
Tourism contributes over six per cent of the Australian gross national product. (C10T3P1) |
原文 |
The travel and toursim industy is the world’s laregest employer with almost 130 million jobs, or almost 7 percent of all employees. This industry is the world’s leading industrial contributor, producing over 6 percent of the world’s gross national product. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——数字 第二步:加是不是——旅游业是不是奉献了6%的澳大利亚经济? 第三步:回原文判别——不知道。原文说的是奉献了6%的世界经济,无法判别对澳大利亚经济的奉献。 许多人会误选FASLE, 以为原文说的是奉献世界经济6%, 不是澳大利亚经济的6%, 可是FALSE的出题准则是contradict, 而原文和题干信息构成批驳吗?答案明显不是,“旅游业奉献6%的澳大利亚经济”的对立面是——“旅游业没有奉献6%的澳大利亚经济”,这个信息文章并没有呈现,所以不选FALSE, 也不是TRUE(一起),所以选NOT GIVEN。 |
Tips |
这是典型的“缩小原文规模”的标题,原文与题干既不对立,也不一起,所以是NOT GIVEN。 |
例题15 |
Beasons and flahing lights are still used by ATC today. (C8T1P2) |
原文 |
…, while beacons and flashing lights were placed along cross-country routes to esablish the earliest airways. However,this purely visual system was useless in bad weather, and, by the 1930s, radio communication was coming into use for ATC. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——谓语 第二步:加是不是——Beasons 和 flahing lights是不是在今日仍然运用? 第三步:回原文判别——“不知道”,原文只说了Beasons和flahing lights曩昔放置在边界线,关于今日用不用,不知道,选NOT GIVEN 许多人误选NO, 尤其是下一句的However转机后说到,这个体系天欠好欠好用,radio被运用,不就意味着Beasons和flahing lights不用了吗?这是考生自个开脑啦,由于也有也许气候好的时分能够持续运用Beasons和flahing lights呀,究竟Beasons和flahing lights今日用没用,文章没有清晰说,即是不知道,只能选NOT GIVEN。 |
Tips |
这也是判别题考官常设置的时态考点:曩昔变今日,今日变将来,也许变现实,需求导致咱们留意。 |
例题16 |
Private schools in Japan are more modern and spacious than state-run lower secondary schools. (C8T4P1) |
原文 |
Virtually all pupils at this stage attend state schools: only 3 per cent are in the private sector. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——比照联系 第二步:加是不是——日本私立学校是不是比公立学校更现代,更宽阔? 第三步:回原文判别——不知道。原文说到了公立学校和私立学校,可是未对两者谁现代,谁宽阔进行比照,所以选NOT GIVEN。 |
Tips |
NOT GIVEN常常会呈现:原文中呈现了A与B, 可是未呈现AB两者比照联系,不存在这么的考点。 |
例题17 |
The tress from which quinine is derived grow only in South America. (C9T1P1) |
原文 |
The drug is derived from the bark of the cinchona tree,native to South America. |
拆解 |
榜首步:找考点——only 第二步:变是不是——获得quinnie的tree是不是只种在South America? 第三步:回原文判别——不知道。原文说tree是South America的“native本地的”树,跟only grow不一起,也不对立。由于本地的树,既也许只要本地种,也有也许其他本地也种(就好比大熊猫是我国四川本地的动物,但不意味着只要四川养,台湾、美国也有饲养)。 |
Tips |
当遇到难以判其他NOT GIVEN时,咱们能够先判别是不是归于TURE(一起),再判别是不是FALSE(对立),都不符合时,咱们就选NOT GIVEN。 |