
362人已阅读 2017-10-28 13:56:42
导读 人物类论题还有一种常考题型,即是三选一。题目中给出三个选项,让考生选出以为最主要或最喜欢的一个,进行论述和解说。
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2017-10-28 13:56:42



首要,考生们要树立起决心,本来托福白话考试是十分好拿分的,由于说浅显一点,托福白话是按点给分。也即是说,考生只需答复的在“点”上,就有分。那么,啥叫在“点”上呢?咱们拿Describe a famous person whohas influenced you much.一题来作为比如。考生首要需求答复这自个是谁,人物基本信息,然后对怎么影响你作出解说,通常需求阐释两点,这么就能赚取四分之三的分数了。本来要想到达满分是对比艰难的,满分请求考生的归纳本质,包含语音、语调、语速、流通度、关于时刻的把握、连贯性等等。这需求长时刻的训练堆集才干到达,所以预备期较短的考生应先设法捉住四分之三的分数。要想捉住这四分之三的分数,考生需求首要更新一下自个的词库,然后防止一些俗套的表达,让自个杳无音信。独立白话*题多让考生描绘一自个是怎么影响你或者为啥对你来说主要,这需求考生对人物的性情特点进行描绘,调配相应的案例,进行解说。关于人物性情特质的描绘有很多种,以下是考生可常用的一些加分表达:

amicable,amiable, benign 友爱友善的,亲热的,aspiring有志气的,有志向的,dynamic朝气蓬勃的,enthusiastic热心的,faithful守信的,忠实的,frank坦率的,forceful(性情)刚强的,honest诚笃的,humorous诙谐的,independent有主见的,industrious勤奋的,trustworthy可信任的,sincere真诚的,motivated有动力的,responsible负职责的,determined坚决的,persevere持之以恒的,cooperative协作的,strong-willed意志坚决的



人物类论题还有一种常考题型,即是三选一。题目中给出三个选项,让考生选出以为最主要或最喜欢的一个,进行论述和解说。例如,Whichdo you think is the most important one to you: family, friends or colleagues?Explain why. Please include details and examples in your response. 这是十分典型的三选一考题,考生只需挑选其一阐明因素和案例即可。但通常最尴尬考生的即是怎么论述因素。很多考生挑选family,但因素是啥却很难想到,他们觉得家人主要即是主要,没有为啥。这当然无可厚非,但考生要知道的是,假如答复不出为啥,甚至有考生答复noreason,成果通常是不抱负的。本来细心想想,家庭、兄弟等的主要性并不难说,仅仅咱们同学不善于总结和发现,所以在这里教师就为咱们总结了一些考生们可用的资料:

Ø  家庭的主要性:

1. Family providesa sense of belonging. It gives identity and provides support and security.

2. Your family ismade up of the people you care about and the people who care about you.

3. Family counts.It’s where you start. It shapes you and nurtures you.

4. The familymembers support one another, trust one another, care for each other when thingsget tough, and share their resources.

5. Families are asource of emotional support and comfort, warmth and nurturing, protection andsecurity.

6. Family instilsdiscipline and helps children learn and internalize codes of conduct that willserve them for the rest of their lives.

7. The familyinstructs children and gives guidance about personal values and socialbehavior.

8. Familyrelationships provide children with a critical sense of being valued and with avital network of historical linkages and social support.

9. Family is aplace where each member feels that he or she is special and is encouraged topursue his or her own dreams; it is a place where everyone’s individuality ispermitted to flourish.

Ø  兄弟的主要性:

1. Friendshipprovides a critical buffer against stress and helps to protect againstpsychological and psychiatric problems.

2. Difficulty inmaking and keeping friends leads to feelings of low self-esteem and thesefeelings usually continue into adulthood.

3. Friendship is awonderful thing and is vitally important for personal growth and success.

4. A goodfriendship is one where you accept and forgive faults, understand moods, anddon’t feel hurt if a friend doesn’t feel like seeing you.

5. When you arehappy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad,friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends willsurround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack,you can turn to friends for help.

6. Friendship isn’talmighty, but no one can live happily without it.


上一篇: 【朗阁教育】解析雅思口语饮食类话题,教你如何吃 下一篇: 【朗阁教育】“三步走”搞定是非无判断题、是非无






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