
299人已阅读 2018-07-09 11:14:55
导读 顾名思义,就是结构化阅读即从托福阅读结构出发,从整体着眼纵观全文,不再为小词小句伤脑,而是把握全文的框架,这样有利于形成思维预判,增强学生做题信心。
雅思课程 托福课程 SAT/ACT课程 留学预备课程 优加青少英语


2018-07-09 11:14:55








  Reflection in Teaching

  •Ancient Egyptian Sculpture

  •Children and Advertising

  •A Warm Blooded Turtle


  •Energy and the Industrial Revolution

  •Railroads and Commercial Agriculture in Nineteenth Century

  •The Empire of Alexander the Great

  •Wind pollination

  •Roman Cultural Influence on Britain


  •Early Cinema

  •Powering the Industrial Revolution

  •The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii

  •Transition to Sound in Film

  •Development of the Periodic Table

  •Succession Climax and Ecosystems

  •The History of Waterpower

  •VIslamic Art and the Book

  •The Development of Steam Power

  •Ancient Athens

  •The Origins of Writing


  •Deer Populations of the Puget Sound

  •Ancient Rome and Greece

  •Water in the Desert

  •Types of Social Groups

  •Planets in Our Solar System

  •Animal Signals in the Rain Forest

  •Symbiotic Relationships

  •Fossil Preservation

  •Buck Rubs and Buck Scrapes

  •Plant Colonization

  •Callisto and Ganymede

  •Feeding Strategies in the Ocean


  •Desert Formation

  •The Cambrian Explosion

  •Infantile Amnesia

  •The Rise of Teotihuacán

  •Variations in the Climate

  •Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth

  •Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia


  •Westward Migration

  •Autobiographical Memory


  •Savanna Formation

  •Siam 1851–1910

  •Latitude and Biodiversity

  •Explaining Dinosaur Extinction

  •Chinese Population Growth

  •Climate and Urban Development


  •Petroleum Resources

  •Methods of Studying Infant Perception


  •The Origins of Theater

  •The Origins of Cetaceans

  •The Geologic History of the Mediterranean

  •Colonizing the Americas via the Northwest Coast

  •Begging by Nestlings

  V Orientation and Navigation

  •Which Hand Did They Use

  •Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia

  •Mass Extinctions

  •The Origins of Agriculture

  •Sumer and the First Cities of the Ancient Near East

  •Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populations

  •Protection of Plants by Insects

  •Trade and Early State Formation

  •The Origin of Petroleum

  •Ecosystem Diversity and Stability

上一篇: 郑州新航道:雅思口语Part3——干货 下一篇: 郑州新航道:那要如何实施结构化阅读呢?






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