
252人已阅读 2018-09-03 15:16:22
导读 书法作为中国四大技艺之一在中国的文化长河当中占有相当重要的地位,毕竟文字是记叙历史的重要工具,而文字的出现也是的人类文明前进了一大步,所以书法在中国文化当中非常的重要,儒森教育今天就来讲讲书法的历史。
中文课程 特色课程


2018-09-03 15:16:22



  As the art of writing Chinese characters(hàn zì汉字),Chinese calligraphy,or shufa,is boasting as long a history as that of China itself.It is one of the highest forms of Chinese art,serving the purpose of conveying thoughts while also showcasing abstract beauty of lines.Calligraphy is one of the four basic skills and disciplines of the Chinese literati,together with painting(huà画),stringed musical instruments(qín琴)and board games(qí棋).However,rhythm,lines,and structure are more perfectly embodied in calligraphy than in the other three skills.Calligraphy(shūfǎ书法)has traditionally been regarded as China's highest form of visual art-to the point that a person's character was judged by the elegance of their handwriting!Decorative calligraphy is found all over China,in temples and adorning the walls of caves and the sides of mountains and monuments.The basic tools of calligraphy-brush and ink-are also the tools of Chinese painting,with linework and tone the all-important components.Despite the ravages of time,war and ideology,there's still a lot to see architecturally.Traces of the past include the imperial structures of Beijing,the colonial buildings of Shanghai,the occasional rural village and Buddhist,Confucian and Taoist temples.Funerary art was already a feature of Chinese culture in Neolithic(xīn shíqìshídài新石器时代)times(9000-6000 BC),ranging from ritual vessels and weapons to pottery figures,jade and sacrificial vessels made of bronze.Earthenware production is almost as ancient,with the world's first proto-porcelain being produced in China in the 6th century AD,reaching its artistic peak under the Song rulers.


上一篇: 中国水墨画(双语) 下一篇: 京剧脸谱的故事(双语)






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