356人已阅读 2018-04-15 10:48:35
导读 天津翻译专修学院是华北地区唯一一家以(英、日语)口、笔译、同声传译为专项培训的高等教育培训机构,学院同时积极开展远程学历教育、英、日、韩语言培训等多种形式。
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2018-04-15 10:48:35




  Para 1

The slowing of China’s economic growth has many causes. In my view, it is a healthy development, resulting from a necessary change in China’s growth model. Since the beginning of China’s growth miracle, a large part of the country’s development has been directed from the center. This “top-down” approach has focused on heavy industry, infrastructure, and the promotion of exports. This growth model had its roots in central planning. but China also encourages its market liberalization and openness to international competition, thus making important gains in productivity and technological upgrading.  This strategy has been incredibly successful. the Chinese economy is two-and-a-half times bigger today than a decade ago  




Para 2

However, the top-down strategy has its limits. The share of output going into manufacturing, infrastructure, and exports is too large to be sustained. And there is an overemphasis on capital investment and exports rather than on consumption. Recognizing these limits, China is working to make the transition to a “bottom-up” growth model, focused on the development of services industries, that is, retail trade, health, education, finance, and transportation. Services currently make up about half of the Chinese economy, compared to about four-fifths of the economy of the United States.  That productivity in services generally does not grow as quickly as in manufacturing, this transition will involve slower economic growth.




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