
265人已阅读 2018-09-20 16:34:19
导读 新GRE考试的变化*括考试界面的变化、算分方式的变化、心理学小分部分的变化等等,考生了解这些变化会更有利于GRE备考和应考,还不清楚的学生可以来了解一下!
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2018-09-20 16:34:19


  变化一, GRE subject Test算分方式发生变化,GRE subject Test不再倒扣分,完全和GRE general test一致,只关注正确的题目。
  New subscores for the GRE Psychology Subject Test: To better meet the needs of graduate psychology programs, the GRE Program will introduce six new subscores, effective with the September 2017 test administration, in place of the two current subscores.
  变化二, GRE考试采用全新的界面。
  同时Powerprep Online也已经更新了这一界面,大家现在登录ETS GRE的账号(注意是国外的那个账户哦)就可以看到新版的界面了。
  GRE Subject Tests scoring method changes: Beginning with tests administered in September 2017 and similar to the GRE General Test, test takers' scores on the GRE Subject Tests will now be based on the number of questions answered correctly. Nothing is subtracted from a score if a question is answered incorrectly. So, to help future test takers maximize their scores, you should advise them that it is better to guess at an answer than to not respond at all.
  变化三, 由于心理学小分的部分发生变化,GRE score record的版面也发生了相应变化
  变化仅在新的psychology test,所以对考生的影响变化不大。
  Recruitment with the GRE® Search Service just got even simpler: A recent pricing policy change means programs using this popular recruitment tool now pay only for the names they need with no more annual participation fee. Other enhancements may help stretch your budget further. For details, contact a Search Service specialist or learn more now.
  变化四, 心理学的sub考试将引入6个小分报分机制,取代之前的两个小分。
  New GRE Scorelink® Record Layout: with these changes to the Psychology Test, the GRE score record layouthas been changed to accommodate the fields needed for the new Psychology Test subscores. The additions did not change the position of any other fields.
  变化五, 使用GRE@Search Service将更加简便。
上一篇: 论一篇GRE阅读文章的诞生过程 下一篇: 有利于ACT阅读提升的读物推荐






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