

所属机构: 重庆美联英语


My name is Dean I have been teach English as a second language for 15 years, 4 years in Eastern Europe last 11 years in China. I have almost four thousand classes taugt in the Jr. and Sr Middled school in Chonging area. I am also a certified licensed FIFA coach I am also a very good cook of many diffent world dishes such as German, Russian, Italian, Mexican etc. The students here refer to me as Mean Dean as I am serious in class expecing their best always in class.

My name is Dean I have been teach English as a second language for 15 years, 4 years in Eastern Europe last 11 years in China. I have almost four thousand classes taugt in the Jr. and Sr Middled school in Chonging area. I am also a certified licensed FIFA coach I am also a very good cook of many diffent world dishes such as German, Russian, Italian, Mexican etc. The students here refer to me as Mean Dean as I am serious in class expecing their best always in class.

上一篇: 美联英语-JacksonMic 下一篇: 美联英语-Nancy/王姿人





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