

所属机构: 重庆美联英语


Hi, I'm Nicole . I'm the teaching assistant and my work is scheduling classes of JB center and Caifu center. If you can not book any class , please let me know ,or if you have any feedback about our centers ,you also can tell me. I like to help you to solve your problems . It will make me happy. Since I graduated from university, I have worked at Meten over one year. I love this family , and I hope you could enjoy learning English with us. 我叫周莉,我是重庆美联英语江北中的教务专员。负责江北中心与财富中心的排课管理。我从大学毕业就进入美联*,到现在已经一年多的时间了。我很热爱美联这个大家庭。我也

Hi, I'm Nicole . I'm the teaching assistant and my work is scheduling classes of JB center and Caifu center. If you can not book any class , please let me know ,or if you have any feedback about our centers ,you also can tell me. I like to help you to solve your problems . It will make me happy. Since I graduated from university, I have worked at Meten over one year. I love this family , and I hope you could enjoy learning English with us. 我叫周莉,我是重庆美联英语江北中的教务专员。负责江北中心与财富中心的排课管理。我从大学毕业就进入美联*,到现在已经一年多的时间了。我很热爱美联这个大家庭。我也

上一篇: 无 下一篇: 美联英语-Candice/蒋礼





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