

所属机构: 重庆美联英语


I’m Candice. Since I came to Meten, I love it here. I love to learn. I usually get lost in the pages of book on my days off. Learning something new makes me excited and reading makes me calm. I love to be connected to nature and admire the magic of nature. Seeing the colorful nature world makes me feel energetic. I’m not a typical girl that enjoys shopping. I would rather run in the mornings and watch movies alone. I find it so interesting to be alone.I can trick you into believing that I’m never sad because my smile is as ge

I’m Candice. Since I came to Meten, I love it here. I love to learn. I usually get lost in the pages of book on my days off. Learning something new makes me excited and reading makes me calm. I love to be connected to nature and admire the magic of nature. Seeing the colorful nature world makes me feel energetic. I’m not a typical girl that enjoys shopping. I would rather run in the mornings and watch movies alone. I find it so interesting to be alone.I can trick you into believing that I’m never sad because my smile is as ge

上一篇: 美联英语-Nicole/周莉 下一篇: 美联英语-JacksonMic





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