
313人已阅读 2018-05-11 17:55:41
导读 北京朗阁培训学校老师觉得考生们需要一些托福写作考试套路与干货分享。今天朗阁老师就为大家提供分享几种段落development的方法,将这几种方法运用到写作中。同学们以来学习吧!
雅思 托福 北美考试课程 英才计划 雅思入门6分班 雅思基础6分班 雅思突破6分班 雅思精品6分班 雅思精品65分班 新托福入学课程 新托福起步课程 新托福速达课程 新托福强化课程 新托福精英100分 新托福精英112分 SAT1200分课程 SSAT2000分课程 SAT强化课程 小托福800分课程 GRE GMAT AP A--Level AEAS 国际高中课程 剑桥英语


2018-05-11 17:55:41



  It is more important to keep old friends than to make new friends.
  In my eyes,on the one hand,keeping old friends will bring us many benefits in our daily lives.In the first place,being old friends means that both sides know each other deeply.Specifically,they are aware of the other party’s lengths and shortages,which means that they will forgive old friends’errors and appreciate their improvement during their communication.For instance,Helen and I,having been friends for twelve years,know each other well and I know she is quick in speech and straight forward in thought.One day,I,breaking her up through my own carelessness,was criticized fiercely by her in front of the whole class.Since I understand her temper,instead of getting angry and quarrelling with her,I apologized to her and finally she knew her boldness and we were reconciled.In the second place,old friends mean both parties get along with each other for a long time and they have a better understanding of the other side.When one is in a dilemma,old friends can always give proper advice and get out of trouble.A new friend cannot give such good suggestion due to strangeness.
  在该段落中,由on the one hand可知,文章采用的对比结构,可能是段落内部对比,也可能是段落间的对比,因该段落没有on the other hand,所以是段间对比。由many benefits可知,该段落后面至少提到两个benefits,即know each other deeply and get along with each other for a long time.....(红色部分).对于*个点的benefit,文中采用了语法标志词,specifically,来对此进行同义改写,换句话说,对主题句的扩写的*种方法可以用同义句改写,但是需要注意同义句在范围上比主题句小,即同义句是可以量化的,这样才能体现progression,coherence的标准。接下来,用例证法(for instance)来对扩写的句子展开(蓝色部分),该部分主要是从语义上来支持*个benefit,同时采用了因果论证。就第二个benefits而言,文中采用when引导的时间状语来举例,同时采用了因果论证和对比论证的方式。整个段落来说,详略得当,使人产生一种主次分明的美感。因此,可以总结以下的文章结构:
  On the one hand,doing sth will bring us many/numerous benefits in our daily life.In the first place,doing sth means that...........Specifically,.................,which means that........For example,......
  In the second place,题目关键词means that......When.........

上一篇: 北京新托福口语考试逻辑框架解析? 下一篇: 雅思口语考试应当如何加分?





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