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司法考试 2018-09-13




  先讲一个网上流传的故事:一个熟背英语日常对话的人不小心掉到了悬崖下面,奄奄一息之际,听到救援人员的问题:How are you?这个人脱口而出:I’m fine,thank you.And you?救援人员一听这人没啥事就走了。
  When all the facts are examined,the advantages and disadvantages weighed,and biased opinions cast away,it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that...
  In the lecture,the professor makes several points about ____.The professor argues that ____.However,the reading contends that ____.The professor’s lecture challenges the reading by using a number of points that are contrary to ____.
  The first point is that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is ____.According to the professor,____.____ differs from the reading in which the reading says ____.The point made by the professor challenges the reading because ____.
  Another point that the professor uses to question the reading is ____.The professor states that ____.However,the reading claims ____.This point is refuted by ____.
  The third point that the professor uses to undermine the reading is ____.According to the lecture,____.In contract,the reading says that ____.This directly contradicts what the lecture indicates,because ____.



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