
238人已阅读 2020-08-12 16:11:43
导读 话说英国A-level改革后,AS就不用考了吗?大家先深吸一口气冷静冷静!大学要求各不相同,小蓝今天就给大家详细扒了一下,哪些常申的名校还要求AS成绩?


2020-08-12 16:11:43


  We strongly encourage potential applicants to take AS Level examinations in at least three,and preferably four,subjects,whether reformed or not.




  These recorded results may be used by admissions tutors as evidence of a candidate’s suitability to study at Oxford,although they will not be used in a mechanistic way to shortlist candidates for interview,or determine which candidates receive an offer.It is therefore in the interests of candidates for schools and colleges to declare AS module marks or grades if they demonstrate a candidate is performing strongly.





  Our evidence indicates that AS levels are an effective indicator of performance at undergraduate level and for this reason we will continue to use AS grades in our admissions assessments.For students due to sit A levels we would recommend that,whenever possible,they sit AS level examinations at the end of Year 12.

  LSE认为AS是预见学生本科表现的有效指标,因此录取评估中会继续使用AS成绩。建议要考A-level的学生,如果有条件的话,在Year 12也参加AS考试。



  The College is aware that not all secondary education providers will be offering students the opportunity to take AS-levels,so from 2017 none of our programmes will include a specific requirement for AS-levels.




  AS levels are no longer required.




  Applicants to MBChB Medicine are required to achieve A Grades in three A levels and a fourth AS qualification in one sitting.Following the planned introduction of curriculum reform,this requirement will remain in place.Where an applicant to Medicine attends a school which does not offer AS qualifications,we will require four A levels to be achieved in the one sitting.


  Whilst the University recognises the benefits for learners in studying for AS levels,learners who apply without AS results from 2016/17 onwards will not be disadvantaged in the admissions selection process in relation to learners who have AS results.




  An applicant will not be made an offer based on a better set of AS Levels or GCSE qualifications than another applicant.

  Some degree programmes will specify as part of their Standard Entry Requirements that if an applicant does not have an A-Level in a specific subject then they must have either an AS Level or a GCSE qualification at a specified grade.





  Do you require students to take AS exams for all of their subjects?

  No.Students may still wish to take AS exams as they can be helpful for measuring progress so far in their studies and we do not discourage this,but where students are taking subjects to A level they will not be disadvantaged if they do not take the corresponding AS exam.




  TheUniversityofLeedscurrently makes offers based on three A-levels,or equivalent,incorporating a range of information in decision making that has been gathered throughout the application process.AS level results,where available,are included in this.However,we recognise that some A-level students will no longer sit AS levels and this group will not be disadvantaged in the decision making process atLeeds.




  we will not consider a student’s performance in AS awards under the new linear model when making admissions decisions.Performance in legacy subjects may be considered,but to ensure equity for candidates sitting AS levels inWalesandNorthern Irelandor in an International A level,we will not consider performance in subjects that have moved to a linear model inEngland,even if taken in a modular system.Thus,students who have either not taken AS examinations or who have performed lower than anticipated will not be at a disadvantage.




  Multiple factors are taken into account by our admissions selectors to identify the most able candidates.These factors include(1)A-Level(or equivalent)grades;(2)GCSE(or equivalent)grades;(3)the personal statement;(4)the reference;(5)the development of study skills;(6)motivation for the degree programme applied for;(7)independence of thought and working;(8)skills derived from non-academic extra-curricular activities such as engagement in sport,the arts or voluntary and community work;and(9)contextual consideration of merit and potential.




  TheUniversityofSurreywill consider equally applicants who choose either route.Our offers are normally based on 3 A-levels.




  We can confirm that applicants will not be disadvantaged if applying without AS Level results.




  Applicants will not be disadvantaged if they are taking three A levels only–i.e.we do not expect applicants to take AS levels or a fourth A level.

  The only time when we might take an extra A level or AS level into account would be at results time,if we had to decide between two similarly qualified applicants who had narrowly missed their offer conditions.


上一篇: A-level考试难度大的科目分数线低?真的吗? 下一篇: A-Level选课攻略,看完这些你将离名校更近一步!






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