
导读 很多学生都纷纷开始考虑出国留学,而出国去哪个国家,是很多家长和孩子考虑的主要因素,我校开设了悉尼大学留学申请,帮助学员顺利拿到悉尼大学offer。
400-060-0103 254
美国留学 英国留学 澳新留学 加大拿留学 亚洲留学






 · Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience 动物及兽医生物科学学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography) 应用科学(放射诊断学)学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography) Honours 应用科学(放射诊断学)荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) 应用科学(运动及体育学)学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) and Master of Nutrition and Dietetics 应用科学(运动及体育学)学士及营养和饮食学硕士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) Honours 应用科学(运动及体育学)荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology) 应用科学(运动生理学)学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology) Honours应用科学(运动生理学)荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (MRS) Diagnostic Radiography Honours 应用放射诊断学荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) 应用科学(职业疗法学)学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) Honours应用科学(职业疗法学)荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)应用科学(物理疗法学)学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) Honours应用科学(物理疗法学)荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) 应用科学(言语病理学)学士
  · Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) Honours应用科学(言语病理学)荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Architecture and Environments 建筑及环境学学士
  · Bachelor of Architecture and Environments (Honours) 建筑及环境学荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Arts 文学本科
  · Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics 文学学士和经济学学士
  · Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws 文学学士和法学学士
  · Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Work文学学士和社会工作学学士
  · Bachelor of Arts and Master of Nursing 文学学士和护理学硕士
  · Bachelor of Arts (Dual Degree, Sciences Po, France)文学学士(科学或法语双学位)
  · Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 文学荣誉学士学位
  · Bachelor of Arts (Languages) 文学(语言学)学士
  · Bachelor of Arts (Languages) (Honours) 文学(语言学)荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications)  文学(传媒学)学士
  · Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) and Bachelor of Laws 文学(传媒学)学士及法学学士
  · Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) (Honours) 文学(传媒学)荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Commerce 商学学士
  · Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts商学学士及文学学士
  · Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws 商学学士及法学学士
  · Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science 商学学士及科学学士
  · Bachelor of Commerce and Doctor of Medicine 商学学士及医学博士
  · Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) 商学荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Commerce (Liberal Studies)  商科(人文学科)学士
  · Bachelor of Commerce (Liberal Studies) (Honours) 商科(人文学科)荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology 计算机科学和技术专业学士
  · Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology (Advanced) (高级)计算机科学和技术专业学士
  · Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology (Honours) 计算机科学和技术专业荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology (Honours) (Advanced) (高级)计算机科学和技术专业荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Design Computing 设计计算专业学士
  · Bachelor of Design Computing (Honours) 设计计算专业荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Design in Architecture 建筑设计专业学士
  · Bachelor of Design in Architecture and Bachelor of Laws 建筑设计专业学士及法学学士
  · Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours) 建筑设计专业荣誉学士
  · Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours) and Master of Architecture 建筑设计专业荣誉学士及建筑学硕士
  · Bachelor of Economics 经济学学士
  · Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws 经济学学士及法学学士
  · Bachelor of Economics and Doctor of Medicine 经济学学士及医学博士
  · Bachelor of Economics (Dual Degree, Sciences Po, France)  经济学学士(科学或法语双学位)
  · Bachelor of Economics (Honours) 经济学荣誉学位
  · Diploma in Education (Aboriginal)(土著)教育学学位证书
  · Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) (早期)教育学学士
  · Bachelor of Education (Primary)(初等)教育学学士
  · Bachelor of Education (Secondary:Aboriginal Studies) ( 中等:原住民研究)教育学学士
  · Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education: Mathematics) and Bachelor of Science (中等教育:数学)教育学学士及科学学士
  · Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education: Science) and Bachelor of Science (中等教育:科学)教育学学士及科学学士
  · Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences) and Bachelor of Arts (中等:人类学和社会学)教育学学士及文学学士
  · Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Human Movement and Health Education) (中等:人类运动和健康教育)教育学学士
  · Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Aeronautical) 工程学(航空)荣誉学位
  · Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Arts

上一篇: 澳洲留*计课程 下一篇: 红砖大学留学申请




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