
345人已阅读 2018-03-02 16:06:32
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托福/雅思 ACT/SAT SAT2/AP/ALEVEL/IB 美高课程 VIP定制课程 特色精英项目


2018-03-02 16:06:32


  Part 3是决定考生命运的一道关卡! 作为整个口语考试中的最后一道防线,Part 3 对考试的最终口语分数起着决定性的作用。考官通常会根据考生在 Part 2 答案问出一些“前无古人后无来者来者”的问题,只有这样考官才能测出你的真实口语水平 。由于Part 3出题 经常会超出题库, 很多考生在碰到自己不知道的题目时手足无措,完全不知道该说什么或者说的乱七八糟。为了帮助考生们克服这个困难,我们可以按照一定答题结构和逻辑来帮助考生理清思路。
  Part 3  答题基本结构
  Step 1. Answer the question directly
 Step 2. Give reason
  Step 3. Support your reason (give example or paraphrase)
  Step 4. Give more reason (optional)
  Step 5. Give an opposite idea (optional)
  1. Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?
  *步直接回答问题, 在租房和买房里选择一个。
  I think it’s better to buy a place to live in.
  Because it gives us more freedom.
  第三步 给出一个具体的例子
  For example, we can decorate our living room as we wish.
  And we don't need to pay rent if we own the place
  On the other hand, it's true that these days many young people can’t afford to buy their own place, so they have to rent.
  1. Yes/Sure//No doubt about it/That’s for sure/Certainly/Absolutely/Definitely yes
  2. No / Not necessarily /I’d rather not/I’m afraid no/Not really
  3. I think /I suppose/guess…/In my opinion/ In my view /It seems to me that …. / Frankly speaking /As far as I’m concerned
  The reason for ……/ One possible explanation is that…./What’s responsible for this effect is…./ Let me explain,…/ the reason why ….is that…/ because/due to/owing  to/lead to/contribute to
  for example/ such as/like
  Do you agree that travel can contribute to the economy of a country?
  这道题如果答yes, 老师可以想到的点子有
  contribute to the service industry
  spend money on hotels
  spend money on food
  spend money on entertainment
  buy souvenirs
  damage environment
  currency inflation
 step 1: Yes, I agree
 step 2: because travelers contribute a lot to the service industry in the country they travel to.
  step 3: For example, travelers spend money on hotels, food and entertainment. Many travelers also buy souvenirs from local shops.
上一篇: *告诉你,解锁托福听力词汇备考误区 下一篇: 备考秘籍在此!*亲授妙招






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