
307人已阅读 2018-09-02 13:33:27
导读 相信小时候都听说过“左眼跳财右眼跳灾”的说法,跳眼皮是每个人都会发生的生理现象,但是古人认为这些现象和事情的走向有关,其实并不是的,引起跳眼皮的原因有很多,燕楚教育今天就来讲讲人为什么或跳眼皮。
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2018-09-02 13:33:27



  Eye spasm is characterized by the spontaneous contractions of muscle without muscular atrophy or weakness.
  You might have experienced an involuntary muscle spasm in your knee or elbow.The same can happen to the orbicular is oculi muscle(the muscle in the face that closes the eyelids).
  Eye spams are typically unilateral,occurring in one of the lower eyelids.Sometimes,both eyelids may be involved but the fascicular contractions of each eyelid is independent of each other.The transient and intermittent twitching is semi-rhythmic at a rate of 3-8 Hz.
  In the majority of cases,eyelid spasms are no cause for concern.These are usually self-limiting and benign,so medical intervention is typically unnecessary.
  Very rarely,eyelid myokymia may occur as a precursor of hemi facial spasm,blepharospasm,Meige syndrome,spastic-paretic facial contracture,and multiple sclerosis.
  1.Stress 压力
  This is the number-one reason for a twitching eye,according to ophthalmologists.When we're under a lot of pressure,the body releases stress hormones(cortisol)which triggers a"fight or flight"response.
  One immediate consequence is muscle arousal,which may affect eyelid muscles as well.This may be a good time to see your friends,unwind,or meditate in order to reduce the stress that might be causing the twitching eye.
  2.Fatigue 疲劳
  Not getting enough sleep or working too much overtime may cause your eye to complain.Scientists aren't sure why,but they've found that getting more rest will make the symptoms subside.
  3.Dry eyes 眼干涩
  More and more people work office jobs that involve a lot of sitting and staring at a computer screen.This sort of lifestyle can lead to dry eye syndrome(DES),also known askerato conjunctivitis sicca(KCS).
  Dry eye syndrome is caused by a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye.When our eyes are too dry,they might involuntarily start twitching to keep them moisturized.This repeated blinking can trick the brain into making one or both eyes twitch even more.
  To avoid DES,use eye drops if you use the computer for more than seven hours a day and make sure to look away from the screen at least once every 20 minutes.
  4.Caffeine and alcohol 咖啡因和酒精
  Caffeine and alcohol have seemingly polar effects on the body.One is a stimulant while the other is an inhibitor--but both can bring a twitching eye when used in excess.
  It's important to stay hydrated and to avoid real or artificial sugars when this happens.
  5.Mineral deficiencies 缺乏矿物质
  A jumping eye might be triggered by magnesium deficiency.If the twitch persists,it's a good idea to get your magnesium levels checked with a simple blood test.
  If you really are magnesium deficient,you should focus on eating more foods like almonds,oatmeal,or spinach.You can also take magnesium supplements to meet daily Mg needs.
  6.Eyelid infection 眼睑感染
  Blepharitis occurs when bacteria infect your eyelids,causing inflammation and redness.This makes the muscles around the eye twitchy.Other symptoms include burning or stinging eyes,dandruff at the base of the eye,and grittiness.
  The treatment of blepharitis should begin with a visit with your eye doctor to determine the cause of your sore,red,itchy eyelids.Eyelid hygiene is very helpful to treat and control blepharitis,and a good place to begin is applying a wet clean warm compress to melt any blocked residue around the eyelid.Repeat this several times a day.


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