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  STANDARDIZED TESTS   TOEFL \ IELTS \ SAT \ ACT等   根据统一规范的标准   测试学生的学术水平。   Matt: “The ACT and the SAT re graded differently. On the SAT, you lose a quarter of a point for every question you get wrong. On the ACT, there’s no penalty for incorrect guesses. That means that on the ACT, if you don’t know an answer, you should always guess. The worse that can happen is that you aren’t penalized. On the SAT, though, guessing a lot can get you into trouble. If you have no idea on the answer, you’ve got a 75 percent chance of losing a quarter of a point, and those can add up fast. If you can’t eliminate one or two of the answers, it’s probably not going to benefit you to guess.”
  ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE   美国大学通常会要求申请学生提供9-12年   年级(国内初三到高三)的成绩单   Dana: “As important as test scores are, grades are even more important. Test scores can reveal a student's potential. Grades reflect a student's level of discipline and the extent to which she uses her potential on a daily basis.”
  EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES   课外活动是招生官了解   学生品质的重要方面。   Jamie: “Extracurricular activities are so important because they show admissions officers who you are and what you can do, in ways that your grades and scores cannot. When choosing activities, think about what you're passionate about and what you would want to engage in regularly for more than one year. And if you can develop leadership within some activities, even better!”
  ESSAYS   文书是申请者展示“我是谁”的   机会。简言之,就是一场不用   见面的“面试”   Landis: “Think of the essay as your chance to speak on your own behalf. Keep in mind that you are telling the counselor your story, do not list all your achievements. ”
  LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION   对于申请人在申请材料中所呈现   出来的各种品质加以证实。   Melissa: “"Choose recommenders that know you well and can speak at length about you as a student and why you would be a good fit for the program you are interested in pursuing. A very vague recommendation can be viewed as a red flag.”
  INTERVIEW   一些学校面试是必须的,   有些学校则可以不用通过面试直接录取。   Adrianne: “When talking to an interviewer, make sure to include examples that demonstrate your statement; if you say you are very interested in an activity, talk about what you do to be involved, or how you share it with others.”


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