
232人已阅读 2017-09-27 13:46:26
导读 英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式。英语口语通常是通过声音传播的。英语文学作品中也常以书面形式记叙英语口语。英语口语灵活多变,多因场合与发言者不同而被自由使用。
国际留学 英语培训 国际游学


2017-09-27 13:46:26


3月22日凌晨,苹果在美国加州库比蒂诺总部举行春季发布会。作为苹果今年的*场大型活动,这次发布会发布了一种新型号的肾--iphone SE。


iphone SE



描述一个smart phone的表达都要会哦!来看看雅思的这道经典题目:


The piece of equipment I'd like to talk about is my iPhone, which is a smartphone. It has various uses. It functions as a normal phone so you can make calls and text people. But, more usually for a phone, you can also surf the Internet (上网的说法,也可以说surf the Net)and send emails. You can buy applications from an online store, which allow you to find your way, play games, read e-books,and much more besides(还有很多功能的说法).

New applications are added all the time, and some of them are really crazy, like one that lets you record your voice and then it plays it back to you but making you sound like an alien! And last but not least, you can listen to your music and watch videos.

It was a present from my parents. I’d been pestering(v.纠缠) them for months to get me one and at last they gave in, when it came round to my birthday. I think they bought it online as it was cheaper that way. It is the latest must-have. People love it because it is so beautifully made, so intuitive(adj. 直观的), so robust(adj. 稳健的,常用来形容某物的设计)and so clever.

It is because it is so many things rolled into one(合为一体) that it is so useful. I just love my iPhone, and if I lost it I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I use it on the way to university to entertain myself, I use it to stay in touch with(和......保持联系) my friends, I use it to check where I am. It’s so absolutely essential to me.

上一篇: 钱钟书夫人杨绛先生留给年轻人的9句话 下一篇: 她是翻译界女神,她是外媒眼中的





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