
252人已阅读 2018-03-24 11:42:31
导读 SSAT考试主要由四个部分组成,作文部分虽然不算分,但也会成为考官录取的主要依据。因此,考生在备考过程中对于写作部分的练习是必不可少的,盘点下美国SSAT考试常见的作文题目,希望能为考生提供一些参考。
标准化语言考试 留学升学考试


2018-03-24 11:42:31


  美国SSAT考试作文题目大概分了这几类:亲人篇,朋友篇,失败篇(成功篇,这两个可以互相转化,具体见下文),追求理想篇(比如你是追求金钱和名利还是do what you want),善恶美丑篇,素质道德篇,生活篇等。
  Can success be disastrous?
  It is true that one can always find opportunity,even in trouble?
  Do you agree that it is important not to take things for granted?
  It is true that the most memorable day of our lives re those in which we underwent some personal transformation or awakening?
  Do you agree with the idea that people can exercise control over their fear,or does fear control people?
  Do you agree with the idea that war is never justified?
  Brave heart------for freedom and justice~
  What do you think of the view that the worst sorrows are those for which we are responsible?
  Do you believe,with Michelangelo,that it is better to risk failing in the attempt to do something too ambitious,or to succeed at something you were already sure you could do?
  Are people motivated to achieve by personal satisfaction rather that by money or fame?
  Does weird behavior indicate an ordinary or an extraordinary person?
  Do you agree with the idea that the strong do what they wish?
  It is true that there are no ugly things?
  Do changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better?
  What motivates people to change?
  Do people have to be highly competitive in order to success?
  Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money?
上一篇: 如何避开SSAT词汇学习的五个误区 下一篇: GRE备考中需要注意的事项?





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