
192人已阅读 2018-01-30 17:22:11
导读 如果,同学们认为自己的sat成绩出现了问题,首先就会考虑到复议。那么有关sat考试成绩复议有哪些需要知道的呢?小编将在本文中给大家带来。


2018-01-30 17:22:11


  ①有两种复议:单选题复议&作文复议(You can request a multiple-choice handscore verification or essay score verification,or both)
  ②时间:考试完5个月以内(up to five months after the test date byprinting and completing a Request for sat Score Verification form.)
  ③复议得到新sat成绩后,就不可以查看到sat在线分数报告,也不能使用Student Answer Service或Question-and-Answer Service。(If you order hand score verification,youwill no longer see the full My sat Online Score Report and you will not have access to the Student Answer Service orQuestion-and-Answer Service for your hand scored answer sheet.)
  ④每次sat考试只能复议一次(The hand score verification process isperformed only once per test,using all information available.)
  ⑤如果你认为有影响到成绩的因素,请联系Customer Service,同时提交申请表格。(联系方式和申请表格后面会讲到)(If you have information that you thinkcould affect the results of the verification process,report it to CustomerService at the same time that you submit the form.)
  ⑥一旦复议成绩出来就是最终成绩了,不能再次申请(Once hand score verification results arereported,they are final;you cannot appeal or reorder a hand scoreverification.)
  ⑦申请复议需要交55美金的申请费,若两项都复议,则110美金。如果报名sat考试时使用了fee waiver可以免去复议费用。(There is a score verification feerequired to cover the costs associated with verifying your scores.If you useda fee waiver to pay sat registration fees,the scoreverification fee will be reduced.The reduced fee is available upon request andis provided on the Request for sat ScoreVerification form.)
  ⑧最后复议成绩会由collegeboard寄出,只有在发现扫描错误或者算分错误时,费用才会退回,否则不可退费。(We will mail a letter confirming theresults of your multiple-choice hand score verification or essay scoreverification within five weeks after your signedrequest and payment are received.We will refund your full score verificationfee only if the change in scores was due to anirregularity in the scanning and/or scoring process.)
  有收件人学校手中。IMPORTANT:Multiple-choice hand scoreverification and/or essay score verification may result in higher or lowerscores than the scores first reported.Adjustedscores are FINAL and will be reported to all score recipients.
  ⑩若有任何其他问题,请联系Customer Service Call Customer Service if you have anyquestions not answered by the information here or on the form.
上一篇: 英国私立学校A-Level成绩公布 下一篇: 北京英语培训难吗?





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