
导读 很多时候家长为了让孩子有一个前程似锦的未来,纷纷将孩子送出国留学,但是出国留学也是有一定的要求和流程的,那么如果想去美国读高中的话,都需要了解哪些内容,美国高中名校申请的流程和条件是什么呢?今天小编就给大家做个详细的介绍吧。
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出国留学服务 移民投资服务







  1.Investigate college options and make your application list

  2.Find out when the application deadlines are for all the colleges you are considering

  3.Discover what specific materials you’ll need for the application process

  4.Make a list of scholarships and grants for which you will apply

  5.Apply for these grants and scholarships



  1.Create a calendar of what you need to do when

  2.Take college entrance exams(ACT or SAT)if you haven’t already

  3.Go to college fairs or meet with college reps who visit your high school

  4.Get letters of recommendation

  5.Keep applying for grants and scholarships

  制作一个你需要准备申校的时间表→参加ACT or SAT考试→参加大学展会或者去见那些参观你高中的大学代表→获得推荐信→继续申请助学金和奖学金


  1.Write your college application essays

  2.Visit your top choice schools and see if you can get an appointment with a college representative

  3.Find out what financial aid forms each college requires



  1.Make sure everything you started in October has been completed

  2.Complete and submit applications!



  1.Wrap up any last applications or essays

  2.Talk to your parents about financial plans



  1.Complete your FAFSA form online

  2.Make sure your parents or guardians file their taxes as soon as possible

  3.Apply for grants and scholarships with your new-found free time!



  1.Access your SAR(Student Aid Report)



  1.Look for acceptance letters(and emails)

  2.Compare financial aid packages

  3.Contact schools with all your questions and concerns

  4.Make the big decision!

  5.Alert the school of your choice

  6.Pay your deposit to ensure enrollment at your college



  1.Test out of as many classes as you can use AP(Advanced Placement)exams

  2.Look into summer jobs and plan a budget

  3.Make sure all financial issues have been resolved

  4.Look into orientation information,move-in information,and class availability




  2.Work a summer job and save for college.

  3.Celebrate reaching the end of this long process!


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