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少儿英语 2018-08-08



Giving Opinions:
  As far as I’m concerned…


  In my opinion…In my view…


  From my point of view…


  The way I see it is(that)…


  To my mind…


  Well,I reckon(that)…








  Personally speaking,I believe…


  As for me,I reckon…

Asking Opinions:
  What do you think/reckon?


  Do you see what I’m getting at?


  Do you know/see what I mean?


  Do you agree with me?


  Would you go along with that?


  Would you agree with me that…?


  What are your thoughts on that?


  Don’t you think(that)…?

  I(totally)agree with you/that.


  I couldn’t agree more.


  I’d go along with that.


  I feel the same.


  You’re absolutely right.




  No doubt about it.


  That’s a good point./I see your point.


  I see where you’re coming from.




  I’m afraid I disagree.


  I don’t agree with you/that.


  I’d be inclined to disagree.


  That’s not the way I see it.


  I don’t think so./I don’t feel the same.


  5.Partly agreeing:


  I see your point but…


  I kind of agree with you/that.





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