
280人已阅读 2018-05-14 19:04:35
导读 职场中混的人都知道,做汇报时用图表这样直观的工具来辅证自己的观点会更有说服力。中文对你来说可能是小Case,如果面对的是外国同事和老板,又必须用英语,你还能侃侃而谈吗?
♋通用英语 ♋青少英语 ♋在线英语 ♋出国考试英语


2018-05-14 19:04:35



  ➤First quarter: Sales remained fairly steady throughout the months of January to March.
  ➤Second quarter: There was a down turn in the second quarter with the sales falling to 150 million at the end of June.
  ➤Third quarter: Sales rocketed in July and reached a peak at the end of September.
  ➤Fourth quarter: With the beginning of October, sales plummeted due to a significant drop in demands. A further decline continued into November and leveled off through the end of the year.
  Words and Phrases 单词短语学习
  quarter: one of four equal parts of something 四分之一,这里是“季度”
  remain: to stay in a state 保持;继续
  fairly: to quite a large degree 在很大程度上
  steady: a situation continues and is not likely to change 稳定的
  throughout: during a whole period (某个阶段内)自始至终
  downturn: something becomes worse 衰退
  fall: to move downward 下降;落下 fall to: 降至
  rocket: to increase very quickly 飞速增加/上涨
  peak: the strongest, most fully developed point 顶峰;峰值
  plummet: to decrease quickly by a large amount 暴跌
  drop: fall, decrease in amount/level (数量等)下降
  decline: decline in something means it becomes less in quantity 下降
  level off: to stop increasing or decreasing 趋向稳定
  Get 以下表达,给英语汇报增点料!
  increase slightly 略微增长 increase dramatically 显著增长
  decrease slowly 缓慢减少 decrease abruptly 急速减少
  fluctuate mildly 轻微波动 fluctuate wildly 大幅度波动
  nosedive to an all-time low 暴跌到空前最低点
  start a spectacular ascension 开始惊人的上升/上涨
  reach a record high 创历史新高
  continue to skyrocket 继续飞涨
  dip (轻度、暂时的)减少;下降
  slide 逐渐降低
  plunge 急降;突降
  soar 高涨;猛增;剧增
  jump 暴涨
  go up 上升;增长 go down 下降;减少
  rise rapidly 猛增;剧增 stay the same 保持不变
  a sharp increase 急剧上升 a gradual decrease 缓慢减少
  a dramatic and sudden fall 暴跌;猛降
上一篇: 学英语到底是为了什么 下一篇: 出国购物免税退税区别在哪?






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