
264人已阅读 2018-01-12 17:59:41
导读 给别人提建议时不知如何开口?接受别人的意见时不知道如何表示同意和不同意?掌握下面的五大步骤就不用愁。
英语课程 雅思/托福课程


2018-01-12 17:59:41


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  1. Giving Opinions:
  As far as I’m concerned …
  In my opinion … In my view …
  From my point of view …
  The way I see it is (that) …
  To my mind …
  Well, I reckon (that) …
  I (strongly) believe (that) …
  I (honestly) think (that) …
  I (really) feel (that) …
  Personally speaking, I believe …
  As for me, I reckon …
  2. Asking Opinions:
  What do you think/reckon?
  Do you see what I’m getting at?
  Do you know/see what I mean?
  Do you agree with me?
  Would you go along with that?
  Would you agree with me that … ?
  What are your thoughts on that?
  Don’t you think (that) … ?
  3. Agreeing:
  I (totally) agree with you / that.
  I couldn’t agree more.
  I’d go along with that.
  I feel the same.
  You’re absolutely right.
  Absolutely / Definitely / Exactly.
  No doubt about it.
  That’s a good point. / I see your point.
  I see where you’re coming from.
  4. Disagreeing:
  I’m afraid I disagree.
  I don’t agree with you / that.
  I’d be inclined to disagree.
  That’s not the way I see it.
  I don’t think so. / I don’t feel the same.
  5. Partly agreeing:
  I see your point but …
  I kind of agree with you / that.
  I agree with you to an extent, however, …
  You make a good point, but …
上一篇: 【百弗英语原创】用英文问候他人时怎么说?——问候语 下一篇: 西安百弗:指示代词this、that、these和those的用法






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