
导读 Get the answer to this question, plus writing tips and insights during the next Academic Writing Course. This course specifically targets areas of writing most often neglected in generic training. We work together giving you ample time to understand areas
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雅思 托福 SAT 特色英语 出国考试 能力英语 国际高中



  Learners admit the importance of effective writing because their immediate goal is to get a higher score on IELTS,TOEFL or SAT.As well,they are concerned that university assignments will be difficult.After significant effort trying to understand academic writing,learners still have one question:How can I improve my writing?
  Get the answer to this question,plus writing tips and insights during the next Academic Writing Course.This course specifically targets areas of writing most often neglected in generic training.We work together giving you ample time to understand areas like following the topic and thesis creation.You will have ample time to ask questions,work with classmates,and question your instructor about concerns.
  Doug Marbach
  As your instructor,I conduct a coaching-style program filled with activities,insights,and personalized guidance.With over 30 years of coaching and teaching experience,both in business and academia,I offer you a no-nonsense approach to writing.With the most up-to-date North American teaching practices,I meld 11 years experience teaching in China.I ensure that my students have an active,relaxed,and enjoyable learning experience focused on their individual needs.
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