
187人已阅读 2022-11-05 16:45:33
导读 山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。陋室唯吾德而馨,而于学校这个传道、授业、解惑的神圣之地来说,只有通过教育者们去不断挖掘培养每个学生的禀赋、兴趣、爱好和特长,为他们的表现和发展提供充分的条件和正


2022-11-05 16:45:33



  An ancient Chinese saying goes that "Any mountain can be famous with the presence of a holy saint, and any river can be holy with the presence of a dragon. Any place can be named a school with the presence of a student and teacher regardless of the teaching ability of the teacher. However, only a true individual that has the ability to cultivate a child’s understanding, knowledge, experience and talents can truly be regarded as an educator.
  In order to build up a professional education team,we feel honored to invite Mr. Watson, superintendent from British Columbia,Canada to give us an important speech titled:“It’s ALWAYS about the kids!!!”
  我们应时刻关注、区分关注每个学生,例如孩子的性格、学习态度、个人生活状态、梦想等的差异性,我们应尽量去理解这些差异性,并用合理的方式如微笑、high five 或者一段私下的小对话,去面对这些差异性。我们需时刻明白每个孩子都不是完美的,他们需要受到鼓励,支持和表扬,就像老师一样。
  In the lecture Mr.Watson provided us with many unique opinions and suggestions. From his point of view, teachers are far more than teaching , testing, learning and results.
  We should always care about our students and give different attention to different students. We should understand the differences in everyone’s personalities, learning attitudes, life states and dreams and treat them in proper ways like a smile, high five and private conversation. We have to remember that each kid has imperfections and needs encouragement, support and praise just like teachers.
  Mr.Watson also reminded us that building a good relationship with kids is a priority. We first should win their hearts when we try to know their habits and weak points and strong points.Attitude matters.
  Kids are sensitive. They are attracted by a teacher more than by what he is teaching.They care more about the way you teach than its contents.kids can feel what you have done to them.We hope that teachers can bring happiness to their lives, which will be rewarded.
  Mr.watson’s speech was enlightening and teachers were impressed by his humor. He discussed the difficult situations facing teachers in the classroom and shared his experience with them.
  He encouraged teachers to understand the mental and psychological challenges of growing students. He emphasized the importance of caring for student’s well-being and being a spiritual educators.
  Through the use of these ProD meeting we are trying to improve the ability of teachers so that they can implement that knowledge and apply it within a teaching environment.Teachers should take into consideration student’s feelings and learn to respect students while still maintaining an effective teacher-student relationship. They should also take into consideration that they are a role model to their students (they are like heroes in the heart of their students) and anything that they may do may impact them in a positive or negative way. Through great guidance and care, students will have the opportunity to excel in their many talents and achieve greatness.
上一篇: 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学招生官枫华讲座,教你如何让梦想照进现实! 下一篇: 不如意常八九,该如何面对抑郁焦虑脆弱那一面的自己?






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