IEA Student Essay Competition学生论文竞赛是Institute of Economic Affairs(IEA)英国自由市场智库主办的Student Essay Competition学生论文竞赛。IEA成立于1955年,目的是通过分析和阐述市场在解决经济和社会问题中的作用来提高对自由社会基本制度的理解,至今已经与世界上许多*经济学家合作如众多诺贝尔经济学家,已发布了12位诺贝尔奖获得者的论文、书籍和文章等。Dorian Fisher每年面向全球所有学习A-Level和IB课程的学生,角逐英镑现金大奖!
o Are there ever conditions under which free trade is not the best policy?If yes,what are they,if not then why not?有没有什么情况下自由贸易不会是一个很好的政策?如果有,是什么情况?如果没有,是为什么没有?
o What are the economic challenges posed by an ageing population and how might they be addressed?人口老龄化会带来什么样的经济挑战?如何解决?
o What does it mean to say“there is no such thing as a free lunch”?天下没有免费的午餐这话要怎么理解?是什么意思?
o What exactly is opportunity cost and why is it such an important part of economic thinking?机会成本到底是什么?为什么它在经济思维中如此重要?
o Are there inherent problems with the idea of market failure?市场失灵的概念是否存在硬伤?
o How and why does time matter in economic thinking and analysis?在经济思考和分析中,时间是如何起作用的?为什么起作用?
o Identify an area of economics that you think should be given more attention in the A-Level or IB syllabus and say why this is so.找出一个你认为应该在A-Level或IB课程大纲中给予更多关注的经济学领域,并说明原因。
- 针对全球A-Level和IB学生
- 任何想参加的可以联系邮件联系,并在邮件标题内标注Essay Competition
- 英国本地学生需要以Post形式邮寄至Dr S. Davies, Head of Education, Institute of Economic Affairs, 2 Lord North Street, London SW1P 3LB;海外学生需以邮件形式参赛