
导读 上海高藤致远创新学校为开设专业的美国留学培训课程,老师提前帮助学员适应海外的学习和生活,为之后的出国留学打下扎实的基础。
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剑桥ALevel课程 北卡美高及AP课程 美国大学学分课程






  美国STEAM课程是由美国莱斯大学(常青藤盟校,综合大学排名15位)与北卡大学教堂山分校(综合大学排名30位)研发和改进,广受美国北卡州众多高中青睐,其中就包括有“神童高中”之称的北卡数理高中,全美STEM高中排名第二的Early College at Gilford,全美STEM高中排名第七的Raleigh Charter High School罗利特许学校。

  STEAM,as the top curriculum in American high schools,is widely accepted and used in the United States.More than 80%of senior high schools in 40 states adopt STEAM-centered high school curriculum.STE(A)M courses cover five major categories:science,technology,engineering,mathematics,and art.

  STEAM curriculum is developed and improved by Rice University(Ivy League University,ranked 15th)and Chapel Hill University of North Carolina(ranked 30th).It is widely favored by many high schools in North Carolina,including North Carolina Mathematics and Science High School,known as"Prodigy High School",and Early College at Gilford the second STEM High School in the United States.Raleigh Charter High School is the seventh largest charter school in STEM high schools in the United States.






  Advanced Placement is an university entance course offered by the College Board American,also It is a high school students study University First year courses in high school.

  In high schools in the United States,many students who have spare time will consider taking AP courses,and take the AP course examination held in May every year after completing their studies.AP course test scores adopt a 5-point system,students can directly apply for University credits if they achieve good results.When students enter the university,they can convert the AP courses passed the examination into University credits,thus exempting the relevant university courses,so as to shorten the hours and save tuition fees.

  At present,there are 19 major 34 courses in AP course examination.Chinese students choose more AP courses including calculus,physics,chemistry,macroeconomics,microeconomics,biology,geography,computer,world history,American history,British and American literature and other subjects.

  The opening of AP course not only reflects the higher educational level of the university,but also provides students with opportunities to show their learning ability when applying for American universities,and to apply for Free University credits in the follow-up so as to save university tuition fees.
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