留学,一种学习态度。 以世界名校的录取标准 来定义求学之路。
留学,一种人生规划。 以世界名校的录取标准 来定义求学之路。
高端,一种资源优势。 世界500强、世界名校等机构实 习科研满足各年龄段学子需求
高端,一种服务模式。 名校招生官在内的5人以上服务团 队分工合作提供全程对接辅导。
目前除北京总部外,藤门全资拥有波士顿、纽约、北京、上海、广州、深圳、成都、杭州、西安、青岛、重庆等十余家分和办公室。藤门拥有完备的教育留学服务体系,*括了留学申请、语言培训、实习科研、课外活动等丰富的产品线,可满足学员的不同需求。在此基础上,藤门打造了 “藤门菁英”和“藤门艺术”两个高端子品牌。以名校申请为基本出发点,在更全面维度上关注孩子的素质提升和健康成长。
IvyGate International Education Group connects China's most talented students with US based ex-admission officers to help them navigate the path to US educational institutions. Each IvyGate International student is assigned a team of professionals that analyzes their unique background and then develops a personalized plan to help them make a transition to the school that best meets their needs and goals.
IvyGate International has blossomed to over 800 professionals in more than ten branches across China and the USA. Guiding hundreds of unique students and families through the US school admissions process, IvyGate is a leading education consultant at the frontier of honest admissions consulting in China.