
251人已阅读 2018-07-04 12:00:12
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2018-07-04 12:00:12



  Studies suggest that precipitation may be greater in cities than in the surrounding countryside; this phenomenon may be due in part to the increased roughness of city terrain, brought on by large structures that cause surface air to slow and gradually converge.

  可以看出分号后面的内容是在解释前一句,所以该题也是因果关系,逻辑提示词是due to。但是第二句即解释部分内容也说到了内部的原因,逻辑提示词是bring on, 再往后看还有cause这样表结果的词,所以这句话中有多重因果关系。总体的逻辑链如下:

  Large structures (cause surface air to slow and gradually converge)→{brought on} the increased roughness of city terrain →{due to} this phenomenon


  A. Until more studies are done, suggestions about the causes of precipitation in cities will focus on the roughness of terrain rather than on surface air and convergence. 做…直到某时(Until)

  B. Certain phenomena of city landscapes, such as large structures, cause surface air to slow and converge, which brings a change in weather patterns to cities and rural areas. 因果关系(cause)

  C. One reason why precipitation may be greater in cities than in the countryside is that large buildings that are found in cities cause surface air to slow and converge. 因果关系(reason)

  D. Studies that focus on large structures, which are only partly responsible for the increased roughness of city terrain, are incomplete in their explanation of increased precipitation. 逻辑顺承关系(are)


  B. Certain phenomena of city landscapes, such as large structures, cause surface air to slow and converge, which brings a change in weather patterns to cities and rural areas. 结果是带来了对城市乡村天气模式的变化,不是题目里的降雨量的多少比较,错误。

  C. One reason why precipitation may be greater in cities than in the countryside is that large buildings that are found in cities cause surface air to slow and converge. 结果是precipitation may be greater in cities than in the countryside和题目precipitation may be greater in cities than in the surrounding countryside是同义改写,正确。

  Many complex factors led to the adoption of the new economies, not only at Abu Hureyra, but at many other locations such as 'Ain Ghazal, also in Syria, where goat toe bones showing the telltale marks of abrasion caused by foot tethering (binding) testify to early herding of domestic stock.

  这句话乍一看*含了多个逻辑关系词,其实主干内容就是Many complex factors led to the adoption of the new economies, 许多复杂因素促使了新经济的采用。所以该句是因果关系,逻辑提示词为lead to。Not only…but also可表并列或递进,在句中引导地点状语,点出不仅发生在Abu Hureyra, 还发生在其他地方如Ain Ghazal, also in Syria为插入语,补充说明AG也在叙利亚。最后where引导从句提及了早期驯化牲畜的证据。根据句子主干的因果关系,再去排查选项中的逻辑关系,我们就会发现:

  A. In many areas besides Abu Hureyra, complex factors led to new economies including the herding of domestic stock. 因果关系(led to)

  B. In 'Ain Ghazal and Syria, domestic stock was more important than it was at Abu Hureyra. 比较关系(more than)

  C. Once early methods of herding animals improved, new economies were adopted. 一……就,表条件(once, 相当于if)

  D. Many complex theories attempt to explain the early domestication of animals. 逻辑顺承(attempt to)

  通过浏览四个选项,我们可以发现,只有A选项句子主干的逻辑是因果关系,再来仔细比较其他部分,原句的not only…but also相当于A选项里的besides, 而原句where引导的从句内容在A选项中由including引导出。此外,complex factors, new economies, herding of domestic stock都是原句原词,所以只通过逻辑关系就可以迅速选出A答案。
上一篇: 学习雅思的技巧 下一篇: 想过雅思七分需要多少词汇量了?





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