We now have the technology to destroy,the planet on which we live,but have not yet developed the ability to escape it.
Materiality is the starting point of our design process;taking the things we can touch,feel,interact with.
Our aim is to actively re-think the future.Through collaboration,risk-taking and blurring the worlds of craft,science and technology we look beyond existing boundaries to anticipate our future needs,desires and challenges for the 21st century.
Finding answer is never simple or straightforward but at Material Futures we believe that we have an obligation to never stop trying.
The sheer diversity of projects this year shows a willingness to expand the horizons of design and find new,often very personal approaches to dealing with the uncertain future,from virtual-reality rape to fast-fashion,entomophagy to space mining,our students explore the moral,social,environmental and ethical implications of how our actions today could drastically impact the way we live tomorrow.
Can you rise to propose new,more sustainable alternatives to the challenges of our changing world?
It’s time to step outside the“consumeless”paradigm dominating sustainable fashion practice,instead,we must find ways of ensuring that if cheap fast-fashion is here to stay,at very least we must reduce its environmental impact.
So,can we use 3D-printing technology to recycle waste textile fibres into fast-fashion garments?
Entomophagy,the consumption of insects as food is a cultural taboo.However,if we could ensure the welfare of the insect,as well as its subsequent human slaughter and hygienic processing,shouldn’t we consider it a nutritionally superior substitute for animals in a more sustainable future?
The older we get,the more chance we have of developing certain skin cancers caused by UV radiation.Despite these cancers being treatable if caught early on,most people aren’t always aware of the situation until it is too late.We must make the invisible visible.Our skins health is critical for our long-term health and survival.
Many objects that we use sometimes for just seconds can take many thousands of years to break down and can leach dangerous chemicals into the environment.
It is of great importance to find natural alternatives to short-lived synthetic everyday objects which,rather than taking several thousands of years to degrade,take just minutes.
If traditional farmers have any chance of competing against the larger commercial maga farms,then we must find ways of democratizing the technologies which allow these bigger farms to monopolise the market.
How will we preserve the culture,provenance and craft of traditional cheesemaking in a future where dairy farming is no longer sustainable?
How could recycling the human body for its material lead to a more holistic re-evaluation of our role and consumption of natural resources?
Given the rapid development and precision of CRISPR Technology,a process that allows the permanent modification of genes within organisms,which could lead to us very soon being able to modify human prior to birth,isn’t it about time we considered collecvtively as a society what we do and do not want to permit?
一场lecture,两场workshop,上周中央圣马丁未来材料系主任Kieren Jones空降一沙与大家一起探讨了艺术、技术与科技。而未来,还有更多关于优秀作品集的正确打开方式,一沙等你一起解锁。