
61人已阅读 2017-10-19 12:05:46
导读 相信很多考生看到这个话题觉得并不难,因为每天有好多的广告围着我们啊,但是如果细细想来似乎又不知道从何说起,毕竟这些广告也不过是简单的套路,并没有太多的新颖可言呢,今天我就给大家专门写了一篇哦.
雅思 托福


2017-10-19 12:05:46

Describe an advertisement

What product is this advertisement about

What are the special features about this ad

Explain why you think this ad is very impressive.


I bet the ad I am going to talk about is really amazing and impressive.A person used Ebay to offer his body for permanently tattooed advertising.I found that in his arm there is a website called pilldaddy.com,which is said that it is a California pharmaceutical company,and in his right arm multicolored letters are etched for another company.

My first reaction is that the man must be crazy.He etched so many tattoos on his arms.I can’t help wondering“doesn’t it But on a second thought,it is a really creative idea.Thousands of years ago,humans have already marked their bodies with tattoos for decoration.He just finds the commercial opportunity and knows how to make use of his body.Maybe someday this kind of advertising will start a new trend.But he refuses to accept any advertisement he thinks controversial.I am worried for him that he doesn’t have enough space on his body so he has to be cautious.

上一篇: 雅思考试听力必知的失分考点 下一篇: 备考50天一战拿下710,GMAT小白告诉这是怎么做到的!






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