
313人已阅读 2018-09-27 15:31:13
导读 托福写作也是很多考生害怕的一部分,所以我们不掌握一定的托福写作技巧是不行的,只有掌握托福写作技巧,才有可能得取高分。这里我们给出部分加分词的用法和例子,供大家参考。
全日制英语 雅思课程 新概念英语 托福课程 VIP一对一 SAT/ACT SSAT/小托福 AEAS/AEIS 留学直通班 GRE/GMAT AP/A-LEVEL 寒/暑假英语 少儿英语


2018-09-27 15:31:13




  首先,知己知彼,才能百战不殆。在托福写作语言的运用上,明确规定语言的运用要达到熟练,那么,就需要考生多多掌握写作中的亮点句型句式,体现出句法的多样性,以及词汇选择的恰当性。大家要注重句型句式的积累,但是,很多备战的考生往往特别容易忽视写作中的小词。妙用小词短句,才是应付托福考试,取得高分的关键。例如,Thus,rather than making progress,people star to wind down since they’ve lost their motivation for working;so would the teachers.
  College students take up part-time jobs not for making more money,but for an opportunity to understand the society.
  *,用including,such as…,like…等词组
  The mess media including TV,broadcast,newspaper,magazines,Internet,etc.
  第二,用in view of……搭配
  Granted,the development of economy does have much positive effect on every respect of a country.The modern life of us will be much better in view of the higher level school,lower priced merchants,advanced hospital and the more convenient transportation.
  第三,用just imagine过渡
  First of all,the benefits from the academic studies are of great significance.Just imagine what we have learned in class:the mathematics,grammar,and the physics and so on.These are all basic knowledge and skills that are essential for further study and future career.
  第四,用By doing sth,students can….转换语气
  By learning about those knowledge,behaviors of customers and producers,the tax policy,especially the value and functions of money,students
  would ponder and contemplate the idea that there’s no easy money existing in the world and that their parents have been striving hard for their living.Hence,their naivety would gradually diminish,and they would correctly face the problem and setbacks in the society with a more sophisticated heart and judicious mind.
  第五,用Even though…can trigge...转折,承上启下
  Though all those fantastic stories,stimulating scenes and magical effects indeed trigger children’s imagination,their endlessly soaring minds would make them reluctant to leave the untrue world.
  第六,用...can be attributed to...可以归因于……用来陈述原因
  This difference can be attributed/ascribed to the cultural background.


上一篇: SAT阅读分数低的四个原因 下一篇: 帮你托福口语出口成章





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