

所属机构: 长颈鹿美语


JJ Some say that life is like a game of rummy “one must keep their options open”。 I believe the same is true when considering the teaching of young learners。 This is because an effective pedagogue should not solely rely on one method of teaching but a wide array and should not considered the class as one individual but as a group of individuals each with their own specific capabilities and unique methods of learning。 Thus designing a lesson which meets the needs of all learners involved requires the teacher to keep his pedagogic

Some say that life is like a game of rummy “one must keep their options open”。 I believe the same is true when considering the teaching of young learners。 This is because an effective pedagogue should not solely rely on one method of teaching but a wide array and should not considered the class as one individual but as a group of individuals each with their own specific capabilities and unique methods of learning。 Thus designing a lesson which meets the needs of all learners involved requires the teacher to keep his pedagogical repertoire open to as many methods of learning as possible and therefore maximise the learning opportunities for all involved within the class.

上一篇: AngelaLiu 下一篇: ElinCheng





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