
310人已阅读 2019-10-22 11:32:18
导读 正确的语法在雅思的写作和口语考试中是极为重要的,如果考生写/说的句子中,超过一半有语法错误(尤其是低级的语法错误)是很难上6分的今天这一期,美联英语小编给大家分享一篇关于常见雅思语法错误干货,大家那好


2019-10-22 11:32:18


  一、定冠词the的用法Use of the word‘the’
  We use the:
  1.表示特指when there is only one of something in a particular area,比如the government,the police,the bridge,the river,the hospital
  2.指全世界唯一的东西when there is only one in the entire world:the internet,比如the environment,the ozone layer臭氧层,the atmosphere大气层
  3.表示第几with cardinal numbers,比如the first,the second,the third
  4.最高级with superlatives,比如the worst,the shortest,the lowest,the most beautiful,the least impressive
  5.某些地名(由很多岛/州组成的)with places where the name refers to a group of islands or states,比如the USA,the UK,the Middle East
  6.在表述一般性事物前beforenouns which describe general things,比如exercise is good for the body,the motorbike is the most common form of transport in Asia,the role of the teacher has changed in recent years
  7.抽象名词前beforeabstract nouns used to describe a situation,process,quality or a change,比如over the years the developmentof the town accelerated,the frequency of violent crime decreased over the period,the improvement in living standards

  We DON’T use the:
  泛泛谈论一类事物,不特指to talk generally we drop the word‘the’and use the plural,比如dogs don’t like cats,German products are very high quality.
  某些地区/国家with a single place or country,比如Ireland,China,Vietnam,Europe,South America

  二、可数/不可数名词Countable and Uncountable Nouns

  三、动名词配合Noun-Verb Agreement
  一定要重视主谓之间性和数的配合~The verb must agree with the noun.If you use a plural noun,you must use a plural verb and vice versa.

  四、–ing形式or to+infinitive不定式
  1.不定式We use to+infinitive verb after the following verbs:learn how,would like,want,seem,refuse,promise,prepare,offer,learn,hope,help,deserve,decide,afford,ask……
  2.还有一些词两种形式均可,但是有时表达的意思相同(如like),有时意思不同(如stop)Note:some word can be followed by–ing or to+infinitive.
  3.–ing形式We use verb–ing after the following verbs:suggest,recommend,practice,mind,keep,involve,imagine,give up,finish,enjoy,deny,consider,carry on,and avoid……

  五、名词短语前冠词的用法Use Of Articles Before Noun Phrases
  You should include a/an before adjective singular noun combinations,比如a massive improvement,a steady increase,an overall majority,a very small percentage,a really strong argument……
  特别注意Exceptions:quite a few people,to a certain extent/degree

  六、标点符号(主要是逗号)的使用Use of Commas
  在雅思写作中,我们经常会用“语段连接词”来使文章的逻辑更清晰~In the IELTS writing test,we often use phrases called‘liking phrases’to link our ideas together,比如on the one hand,on the other hand,however,for example,nevertheless,firstly,secondly,in conclusion,in summary.
  如果连接词后面接句子,常需加上逗号We normally use a comma after a discourse marker that introduces a sentence:
  On the one hand,xxx
  To sum up,xxx
  如果连接词在句子中间,前后都要加逗号We also use commas on either side of discourse markers in the middle of sentences:
  Fossil fuels are mostly to blame for global warming,however,some people believe this is a natural process.
  Fossil fuels are mostly to blame for global warming,for example,from cars and factories.
上一篇: 职场实用100句英语口语 下一篇: 美联英语m4相当于英语几级,可以到什么程度?






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