
154人已阅读 2021-04-29 18:26:56
导读   考研最惨五大专业,你服不服?第五大:新闻传播学,第四大:化学工程专业,第三大:计算机专业,第二大:法学,*大:医学
魔鬼考研集训 乐学考研课程 定向考研专业 在职考研课程


2021-04-29 18:26:56


  But while growth is picking up,the global economy still looks vulnerable,the IMF said,especially amid the growing threat of protectionist measures that could cut economies off from global trading partners and risk triggering a trade war.
  The protectionist measures could risk causing a trade war.
  3.Trading partners贸易伙伴
  5.Trade war贸易战
  But while growth is picking up,(状语)the global economy still looks vulnerable,the IMF said(主谓充当插入语),especially amid the growing threat of protectionist measures(状语)that could cut economies off from global trading partners and risk triggering a trade war.(定语)
  主谓充当插入语:,the IMF said,这种情况我们不是*次见了吧!
  But the IMF said(that)while growth is picking up,the global economy still looks vulnerable,
  1.the global economy still looks vulnerable宾语从句的主干
  2.while growth is picking up状语
  3.especially amid the growing threat of protectionist measures状语
  4.that could cut economies off from global trading partners and risk triggering a trade war.定语从句
  That=protectionist measures
  所以:protectionist measures could risk triggering a trade war
  The protectionist measures could risk causing a trade war.

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