
Wil­ford Kelly

所属机构: 成都弗拉曼国际音乐教育


  Florida-na­tive bass-bari­tone Wil­ford Kelly(24)is a multi-tal­ented singer based in San Fran­cisco,Cal­i­for­nia un­der the tute­lage of César Ul­loa.Cur­rently,he is a full-time mem­ber of the San Fran­cisco Opera Cho­rus.He most re­cently grad­u­ated from the San Fran­cisco Con­ser­va­tory of Mu­sic with his Mas­ter of Mu­sic De­gree in Voice.Dur­ing his time at the Con­ser­va­tory,Wil­ford per­formed many roles in the SFCM main­stage opera pro­duc­tions in­clud­ing Bar­tolo in Mozart's Le nozze di Fi­garo,Gus O'Neill in J


  Florida-na­tive bass-bari­tone Wil­ford Kelly(24)is a multi-tal­ented singer based in San Fran­cisco,Cal­i­for­nia un­der the tute­lage of César Ul­loa.Cur­rently,he is a full-time mem­ber of the San Fran­cisco Opera Cho­rus.He most re­cently grad­u­ated from the San Fran­cisco Con­ser­va­tory of Mu­sic with his Mas­ter of Mu­sic De­gree in Voice.Dur­ing his time at the Con­ser­va­tory,Wil­ford per­formed many roles in the SFCM main­stage opera pro­duc­tions in­clud­ing Bar­tolo in Mozart's Le nozze di Fi­garo,Gus O'Neill in John Mus­to's Later the Same Evening,Leone in Händel's Tamer­lano,and Lackei in Strauss's Ari­adne auf Naxos.He also per­formed in mul­ti­ple main­stage pro­duc­tions of the Mu­si­cal The­ater pro­gram,por­tray­ing the roles of Mr.Peachum in Weil­l's The Three­penny Opera and Bel­lomy in Har­vey Schmidt and Tom Jones's The Fan­ta­sticks.Wil­ford has also gar­nered at­ten­tion out­side of the SFCM per­for­mance com­mu­nity,per­form­ing in re­cent en­gage­ments with the Jack­sonville Sym­phony,the San Fran­cisco Sym­phony Youth Or­ches­tra,and as a Stu­dio Artist with Wolf Trap Opera where he per­formed two prin­ci­pal roles and cov­ered four more in their 2019 sea­son.He has also achieved suc­cess on the com­pe­ti­tion cir­cuit,hav­ing been named a re­cip­i­ent of the En­cour­age­ment Award at the San Fran­cisco Dis­trict Met­ro­pol­i­tan Opera Na­tional Coun­cil Au­di­tions in the fall of 2019.He firmly be­lieves in the power of mu­sic and seeks to in­spire unity and change in the face of the many in­jus­tices that run ram­pant in to­day's so­ci­ety.He be­lieves that any per­for­mance in which some­one is touched by his art is one he con­sid­ers suc­cess­ful,and seeks to con­tinue to in­spire as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble with his work.

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