
245人已阅读 2021-06-18 15:57:06
导读 很多最初接触托福考试的同学,在阅读上*的障碍是读了记不住。一篇700字的英文文章,充满了专业名词和陌生的概念,很多句子长达三行以上,每个段落都有新的概念出来,概念错综复杂,越读越晕,坚持读到底的已经是少数,能记住读了什么的,更是少之又少了。


2021-06-18 15:57:06

  Colonization is one way in which plants can change the ecology of a site.【引入概念colonization】Colonization is a process with two components:invasion and survival.【定义概念colonization】The rate at which a site is colonized by plants depends on both the rate at which individual organisms(seeds,spores,immature or mature individuals)arrive at the site and their success at becoming established and surviving.【介绍Colonization的细分方面--速度】Success in colonization depends to a great extent on there being a site available for colonization–a safe site where disturbance by fire or by cutting down of trees has either removed competing species or reduced levels of competition and other negative interactions to a level at which the invading species can become established.【引入colonization中的重要因素--Site】For a given rate of invasion,colonization of a moist,fertile site is likely to be much more rapid than that of a dry,infertile site because of poor survival on the latter.A fertile,plowed field is rapidly invaded by a large variety of weeds,whereas a neighboring construction site from which the soil has been compacted or removed to expose a coarse,infertile parent material may remain virtually free of vegetation for many months or even years despite receiving the same input of seeds as the plowed field.【解释+例证site对colonization的影响】
  1.According to paragraph 1,how does disturbance of a site influence its colonization by a plant species?
  A)Disturbance reduces or eliminates competition by other species.
  B)Disturbance increases negative interactions with other organisms on the site.
  C)Disturbance prevents a plant species from colonizing a new site.
  D)Disturbance reduces the fertility of a site.
  这道题目适用培训市场各大机构的经典讲法,即用Disturbance作为关键词定位到句子:Success in colonization depends to a great extent on there being a site available for colonization–a safe site where disturbance by fire or by cutting down of trees has either removed competing species or reduced levels of competition and other negative interactions to a level at which the invading species can become established.
  2.Why does the author mention a plowed field and a construction site in the passage?
  A)To argue that sites that have been affected by human activity tend to be colonized slowly
  B)To illustrate the kind of sites that may be invaded by weeds
  C)To contrast sites in terms of their suitability for colonization
  D)To explain that exposing or compacting the soil results in successful colonization
  例子前面讲道理的一句话是:For a given rate of invasion,colonization of a moist,fertile site is likely to be much more rapid than that of a dry,infertile site because of poor survival on the latter.

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