
259人已阅读 2018-02-28 12:13:50
导读 福听力所有题型中,占到比例*的是细节题,对于很多的同学来说也是一个比较头疼的题型。
雅思 托福 出国英语考试 剑桥英语


2018-02-28 12:13:50



  文中首先出现了这样的信号词:two considerations,之后便紧接着出现了一个并列结构:proximity to potential customersand accessibility to public transportation
  What are two aspects of location that need to be considered when planning a pedestrian mall?Click on 2 answers
  A.The proximity to the customer base
  B.The number of nearby tourist sites
  C.The variety of restaurants in the area
  D.The access to public transportation
  Well,there are two critical factors to consider when creating a pedestrian mall-location and design,both of which are equally important.Now let's start with the location.In choosing a specific location for a pedestrian mall,there are in fact two considerations:proximity to potential customers,um...that's what we would call a customer base,and accessibility to public transportation,which we will get to in just a moment.
  文章开始部分提到了一个叫做CFQ的问卷,用于调查人们在不同情况下被干扰的频率问题;而当学生提及自己忘记存电脑文件并非是并干扰而就是单纯忘记之后,老师提出了”And that's part of the problem with the CFQ.”
  并指出问题是“It doesn't take other factors into account enough,like forgetfulness.”之后老师又引出了第二个问题“Plus,you really can't say you are getting objective scientific results from a subjective questionnaire where people report on themselves.”
  从这段文本中我们发现了一些并列结构的线索——part of the problem,潜在的含义就是problem不止一个部分,至少还有另外一个部分,之后的plus也正式了这一点。
  这里的part of就和其他TPO中出现过的one of差不多,one of隐含的其实也是一个包含两点的并列结构。
  1.×other factor
  According to the professor,what are two weaknesses of the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire?Click on 2 answers
  A.It relies on subjective reporting.
  B.It assesses a limited number of situations.
  C.It does not assess visual distractions
  D.It does not account for factors other than distractibility.
  由上述两个例子可以看出,同学们在听文章时应有意识的去把握文中的一些并列成分,如并列的原因,结果,例子,建议,问答等等,并注意一些常用来连接并列事物的词,如最简单的序数词first,second,third,再如其他并列词:one(of),part of,plus,next,also,another,the other,besides,in addition,etc.
  这是一篇比较难的天文学文章,文章后面提到radio wave的时候老师提到了它的一个problem,用了one problem,
  “One problem is that radio waves from these far away objects,even though they can get through,are extremely faint.”
  很显然,按照我们前面讲过的one problem可能后面接下来是会再出现第二个problem
  然而,这篇文章后面并没有紧接着立马出现说the second problem或者another problem
  “Female Student
  Well,if the radio waves are so good at getting through the universe,what's the problem?
  Well,answer this,how come people have to turn off their cell phones and all our electronic devices when an airplane is about to take off?
  Male Student
  The phones interfere with the radio communication at the airport,right?
  Female Student
  Oh,so our radio waves here,on Earth interfere with the waves from space?
  Yes,signal from radios,cell phones,TV stations,remote controls,you name it,all these things cause interference.”
上一篇: 托福口语复议三大事项别忽略 下一篇: 托福听力考试四大出题规律是什么





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