
264人已阅读 2018-01-26 11:42:41
导读 为了增强ACT考试的安全性,给予全球考生公平、公正的考试环境。在去年8月,ACT官方宣布引入机考模式,定于今年9月于国际市场推行。然而,ACT机考并未如期而至,众说纷纭之际ACT官方最终给出了明确的答
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2018-01-26 11:42:41



  The computer-based testing model for the ACT test®is scheduled to launch in all international markets in September 2018.With this change,there will be an increase in the number of testing opportunities for your students.Each year,there will be six test windows(up from the current five test dates).In addition,the goal is to make each window two days long,with two sessions each day—a morning session and an afternoon session,depending on location.
  ACT考试将于2018年9月在国际市场推行全球机考模式(CBT--The computer-based testing)。实行这种调整,将为国际学生增加更多的考试机会。每年即将有6次考试安排。(改革前,国际生仅一年5次考试安排)此外,考试时间由1天调整为2天。根据不同考试中心,每天的考试分为上午时段和下午时段。
  Delivering the ACT test online will also reduce the time between testing and reporting.Instead of completed test materials being collected,packed,sent,clearing customs,sent again,received,unpacked,and finally scanned,and returned back to the examinee,multiple choice scores will be available to students as quickly as 48 hours after the student completes the test.
  Registration for the 2018-2019 administration of the ACT test in International locations opens in July 2018.In the meantime,the ACT team is working diligently to ensure all systems are prepared and communications sent to various stakeholder audiences,partners and potential examinees,to ensure a successful transition to this new delivery model.
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