2015年,中国人民大学深圳研究院和澳洲阳光海岸大学签订合 作办学协议,在中国举办MBA(工商管理硕士)学位班,致力于培养具有环球视野的中国高端企业管理人才。我们坚信,在中国人民大学强大的号召力和雄厚的师 资力量支持下,在澳洲阳光海岸大学先进的教学资源和经验的配合下,必将为中国人文科学领域共同创造出新的成绩。
“The University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) is very pleased to be commencing an articulation relationship with Renmin University Shenzen Annexe (RUSA). The relationship will provide the opportunity for RUSA Executive MBA graduates to complete a USC MBA with advanced standing. The USC MBA will be completed through on-line mode, supplemented by intensive face-to-face teaching in China. This new relationship is important to USC and is an expression of its desire to develop connections with high quality institutions in China. USC looks forward to welcoming the first cohort of RUSA graduates into its MBA and to providing them with a quality educational experience.”
1.Macquarie University麦考瑞大学
2.University of New South Wales新南威尔士大学
3.University of the Sunshine Coast阳光海岸大学
4.Deakin University迪肯大学
5.University of Western Australia西澳大学
6.University of New England新英格兰大学
7.University of Southern Queensland南昆士兰大学
8.University of Melbourne墨尔本大学
9.Southern Cross University南十字星大学
10.Charles Sturt University查尔斯特大学